Chapter 10- The Villain Behind This All

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Ei transformed into her true self. Revealing to be Tsumugi.

"T-Tsumugi!?" Lucina asked. Tsumugi laughed and smiled at them.

Tsumugi laughed, "Yes, yes I cosplayed as Ei. Pretty cool isn't it!?"

"Aren't you allergic to cosplaying as real people?" Kaede asked. Tsumugi looked at her and stared down.

"At this rate, they become fiction the moment they die... so by following this I can cosplay whoever I DESIRE!!" Tsumugi laughed.

Hu Tao asked, "You're going to be our villain aren't you?"

"Surprise! I'm the villain of this world! You can never be heroes unless you have some villain here!" Tsumugi giggled. Hu Tao stared at her and suddenly her vision became blurry. She couldn't figure out what was going on. Suddenly her vision cleared up to a dark cloudy sky.

"Hu Tao," Someone muttered. Hu Tao looked up and saw someone standing in the rain. Hu Tao wasn't wet but they were despite having an umbrella.

Hu Tao asked, "Ganyu? Is that you?"

"No, it's someone else..." They muttered. Hu Tao stood quiet, she didn't know how to react. They stood in the rain. It was so dark you couldn't see their face. They came closer and closer.

"Director Hu, you're getting wet," The voice replied. Suddenly everything made sense.

Hu Tao asked, "AM I DEAD!?" She looked around and saw Zhongli. He smiled down at her. This time, he had a face, his true face.

"Hehe, welcome to heaven, this is Dawn City," Zhongli replied with a smile. Hu Tao felt so distorted it all felt real. Was she really dead?

"I'm so glad to see you, Director Hu, aren't you glad to see me?" Zhongli asked he smiled.

"HU TAOO!!!!!" Lucina shouted. She suddenly woke up to see her friends staring down at her.

"Oh good, you finally responded! We were worried sick!" Ganyu said with a sigh of relief.

Hu Tao asked, "Did I... pass out?" The others nodded. Hu Tao looked up and sighed.

"Aren't you glad to see me?"

"AHH!" Hu Tao shouted as she backed away.

Shuichi sighed, "You need rest, let's get you home already." The heroes nodded as they walked back to their building.

Eternal FutureOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz