Chapter 141- Agreements and Insanity

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"This power... it's finally mine. This world... IT WILL BE FINALLY UNDER MY GREAT COMMAND!!" Divination cackled. He was slowly devouring himself in eternal insanity. Day after day, night after night, this power would corrupt him.

"I AM GOD! TRULY THE WORLD WILL BOW DOWN TO ME!!!!" Divination screamed. He was finally out of his mind, he was in oblivion. He was... no longer there.

Tails explained, "Here's the plane. It's not in the best condition but I can fix it up and send it to your camp."

"That would be terrific! Oh I don't mind if you fix it, but if you do that would be great," Susie exclaimed.

"Alright, I'll fix it. I should be able to deliver it before Divination does his final stand. And no need to repay me, I'm willing to do this if it's the reason that insane man goes down," Tails explained.

Lucina thanked, "Thank you so much Tails. You're honestly such a sweetheart."

"No need to thank me, I do the best I can," Tails said with a smile. Then he went to fix the plane.

Lysithea asked, "While Tails is doing that, what do we do next?"

"We head into the city and see what Divination is up to at the moment," Lucina ordered. The heroes nodded. Lucina walked over to Tails and handed him a map.

"Here's a map of where our camp is, fly the plane there when you're done with fixing it," Lucina explained as she gave the map.

Tails thanked, "Thank you Lucina. Once more thanks for letting me work with you."

"No problem," Lucina said with a smile. Then she headed out with the rest of the heroes. Tails got to fixing the plane.

"Sometimes it makes you really wonder what Divination is up to..." Tails muttered. Then he continued fixing. Meanwhile...

"THIS WORLD WILL FINALLY BE MINE!!! I SWEAR UPON MY WORD THAT THIS IS THE CASE!! I WILL WIN!!" Divination laughed. He took a deep breath and laughed once more. The more he laughed. The more hysterical it got.

"AAHHH-HAHAHAHA!!!" Divination screamed while he laughed. He was reaching a brand new peak of insanity. A peak... that nobody should even be able to reach.


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