Chapter 125- Silence and An Autumn Moon

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"Duke Claude?" Divination asked. Claude looked over and smiled.

"Looks like you haven't changed one bit," Claude said with a smile. Divination stared at him. He didn't know how to respond correctly.

Divination sighed, "You called me to protect you from who?"

"Not just protect, just another thing," Claude explained. Then gave him a note. Divination read it and stared at Claude.

Divination asked, "Must I really?" Claude nodded. Then the door started to rattle open. Claude walked back into his room and Divination got ready.

"CLAU-" Lucina shouted before meeting eyes with Divination. "What have you done?"

Divination said with a smile, "Nothing yet... at least."

"At least?! You better leave Claude alone!" Tessa shouted.

Divination asked, "I should leave Claude alone? I think the ones that should leave him alone are you guys."

"HOW!?" Lysithea shouted.

Divination laughed, "How? How you say? You children are mere fools! However, it's just only about time..." He took a deep breath and his smirk turned into a sorrowful frown. "The duke is on his deathbed, you wish to see him. I'll give you all 10 minutes."

"CLAUDEE!!!" Lucina screamed. She dashed past Divination and went straight into Claude's room. She had tears in her eyes. "Step-Father! Are..."

Claude looked at her and smiled. He sighed, "It's good to see your face again Lucina. Morgan visited me a few days ago. However... I just don't think I'll last long enough. I'm sorry." The heroes rushed in and walked over to Claude.

"Duke Claude?! How..." Lysithea whispered.

Claude laughed, "Ah some of you are familiar faces. It's good to see you all again... at least you're all here for my final moments."

"No..." Lucina whispered. She hugged Claude tightly. Claude sat there and hugged Lucina back.

Agent 8 asked, "How old are you? I feel like you're too young!"

"I don't know my age myself, but I feel like I've lived enough," Claude sighed. Then he looked out to the door, and walked over to it.

"Divination?" Claude asked.

Lucina shouted, "NO!!" Then she moved Divination out of the way.

Divination ordered, "I demand that all of you leave immediately." The heroes listened except for Lucina.

Lucina shouted, "LEAVE HIM ALONE!! YOU ARE-"

"CLAUDE ASKED ME TO KILL HIM!" Divination shouted. The place shook.

Lucina asked, "You trust... this... madman?" Claude nodded.

Claude sighed, "I know this man has a change of heart. It's all in there somewhere. So I'll let him do the honors of killing me. That list of yours can get bigger now."

"It's... already big enough anyways," Divination sighed.


"I trust Divination unlike you, what would your father say about this!?" Claude shouted.

Lucina shouted, "Why do you always bring father during our arguments?!"

"BECAUSE HE WOULDN'T LIKE THIS AT ALL!" Claude screamed. Lucina stared at Claude. He started to cough.

Divination demanded, "Get. Out. Before I end up killing you too." Lucina looked at Divination and at Claude.

Claude coughed, "Please... just leave Lucina."

"I can't leave you behind," Lucina mumbled.

Divination slammed his foot on the ground and boomed, "NOW!" Lucina rushed out. Divination took a deep breath. "You're a wise person Claude, I wish it just didn't have to end this way..."

Claude said with a smile, "I believe in you Divination. You are a strong man. I'll be among the clouds. With my husband once again. I've been here for so long, I think it's about time." Divination looked at the divine sword and put it away.

"I can't kill you with any precious weapon. I'll take you down with... my blessed lance," Divination whispered.

Claude nodded, "That's fine by me, Divination. Thank you for being such a... nice god to me. I believe you have a future somewhere. Somewhere..." Divination stared at him. He felt... distressed for some reason.

"I..." Divination muttered. Tears came flooding down. "Sorry, it's just you remind me of my dead husband, Prince Verdant."

"Ah... but you'll be able to see Prince Verdant one day, it'll happen eventually," Claude whispered. Divination nodded. He got ready to kill Claude.

Divination asked, "Any last words?"

"Thank you Divination. You do have wisdom in there. Say this to Lucina... we're always going to be by her side and... so will her father. He is always watching over her. That white bird she sees... that is her father. Watching her always," Claude finally said. Divination stared at him and nodded.

Divination sighed, "Thank you for your kindness duke..."

"Thank you..." Claude whispered. Divination stared at him and started to cry even more. Divination then stabbed Claude.

"You're... a good man Divination..." Claude collapsed into Divination's hands. Divination was crying.

Lysithea asked, "Do you think Divination did it?"

"I..." Lucina muttered. Divination cleared his tears, cleaned himself and walked to the heroes.

Divination replied, "Duke Claude is officially dead now."

"NO!!!" Lucina and Tessa shouted. They both started to cry.

Divination repeated, "Claude wanted to leave these words with you Lucina. 'They're always going to be on your side. No matter what happens, they're there. Especially your father. If you see a white bird, that's your biological father."

"I..." Lucina whispered. Divination walked away and out of the castle.

"STEP-FATHER!!!!" Lucina cried. Markus rushed over and hugged her. "No... why did he go this route..."

"We have to defeat Divination! Remember Lucina!" Markus encouraged. Lucina nodded.

Lucina sighed, "Let's go everyone." The heroes nodded and walked out.

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