Chapter 8- The Royal Wonder

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The three entered the castle and looked around. It was for sure a nice looking place, it was large and a nice castle.

"Shenhe lives here with me as my assistant. You guys met her didn't you?" Opal laughed.

Shuichi laughed, "Indeed we did! She came to attack us."

"Well it's my duty to protect Opal after all, sorry to be such a burden," Shenhe replied. Shuichi looked over and smiled at Shenhe.

Markus replied, "There's no need to apologize, you were just doing your job after all." Shenhe nodded and they continued to walk down.

"I got a message from Divination saying that he allowed you guys to pass borders. What brings you all here on this side of Dawn?" Opal asked as he sat down. The others sat down at the table with him.

Shuichi explained, "We were going to explore this side of Dawn for our friends. However, we were stopped by well Shenhe." Opal nodded and looked down at his notebook.

"This is the case? Well then, I do apologize for the inconvenience, that must've been a little tough for you folks," Opal replied. Suddenly someone entered through the halls. It was Divination.

Opal asked, "Divination! What brings you around these parts of Dawn?" Divination stood there quietly and stared over at Shuichi and Markus.

Divination responded, "Apologises for the interruption but I must take Shuichi and Markus at this moment. I apologize to all of you greatly." Opal nodded while Shuichi and Markus got up and rushed towards Divination.

"What's going on Divination?" Shuichi asked as they exited the castle. Divination didn't respond. He continued to walk down back to the city in silence.

Markus asked, "Is it something we have done?"

"No, you have done nothing wrong, but rather there's a threat here in the city, your allies need you soon," Divination replied. Shuichi and Markus stared at each other nervously. What exactly is going on?

Divination sighed, "Normally I could handle things on my own, however, there's... just a problem I can't handle on my own."

"We can do it, Divination! You can count on us!" Markus cheered. Divination smiled down at the two.

"I'm grateful for you folks," Divination said with a smile on his face.

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