Chapter 76- The Radiance of Electro

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"I don't want to hurt you..." Lucina muttered. Raiden took a deep breath and put an electro ring around her.

"It doesn't matter now, we have to fight her!" Lysithea shouted. Raiden got herself ready to fight them. She had one goal in mind. Get the Chaos sword.

"HAAA!!!" Raiden shouted as she dashed towards the heroes. They dodged her attacks and moved away from her. She got ready to fight once more.

"I don't know what you desire but if you want the Chaos sword, it WON'T be happening!" Lucina shouted. The two started to duke it out.

Raiden yelled, "I don't care about you! Divination wants the chaos sword and you're going to give it to him! YOU CAN'T DENY IT!!"

"I don't want to give him the sword!!" Lucina shouted. Then she pushed Raiden backward. She took a deep breath and stood up. She raised her sword into the air and sent out lightning bolts.

"WATCH OUT!" Ganyu shouted. They dodged the lightning bolts but they couldn't do it on their own. Then Lucina noticed an opening appeared.

"Maybe we can escape from there..." Lucina muttered. She signaled the teams and all of them started to run.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?" Raiden shouted. Then she closed the gate. Lucina was the only one left there, she got ready to fight Raiden.

"Looks like it's you and me..." Lucina muttered. Raiden took a deep breath and grabbed her.

"HEY LET ME GO!!" Lucina shouted. Raiden looked at her and smiled. Soon they left the area.

"Where did Lucina go?" Tiki asked to search the area. The other team members searched alongside her but there was no sign of where she went.

"No..." Markus muttered.

Lysithea suggested, "We should ask Azura, she knows a lot about people's whereabouts." The heroes nodded and left the place

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