Chapter 110- Determined

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"Milord Divination?" Raiden asked. Divination looked over to her.

Divination questioned, "What do you need from me Raiden?"

Raiden questioned, "About that time when you put the heroes to sleep... what made your voice like that?"

"Practice, I used to play the piano and I sang lyrics to the songs I played. I also learned guitar and played songs to..." Divination paused and looked over at Raiden.

Raiden asked, "Did... I go to far?"

"No, you didn't do anything, it's just... I have a hard time remembering things. I played these songs to my wife Princess Lilyana... then played these same songs again to my husband... Prince Verdant," Divination muttered.

Raiden sighed, "I never knew you had a wife and a husband. Huh."

"Yeah, you're my third love interest, it's strange. I don't find myself falling in love often, until I met you," Divination muttered.

"Huh, that's... interesting to know," Raiden said, astonished. Divination nodded, he walked back to the throne and sat on it. "You know, Milord... do you actually love me?"

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I love you? I haven't killed you yet right? I love you, and as long as you love me, you won't ever be murdered," Divination sighed as he held Raiden's hands.

Raiden replied with a smile, "Of course, I will do everything in my power to protect you." Divination smiled back at her. Then they kissed each other. They felt so connected to each other.

"Thank you Raiden, I'll be able to rule the world with you... it's like another dream come true," Divination muttered. Raiden nodded and then they let go of each other.

Raiden asked, "Is there anything you wish me to do?"

"At the moment, no, but I do have something to do myself, I gotta... run some errands," Divination replied. Raiden nodded and walked back into her room. Divination walked in the opposite direction.

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