Chapter 85- Divination's Final Stand

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"YOU KILLED THEM!!" Shuichi screamed. Divination looked over at the lava. It was bubbling. Raiden had just shoved Markus and Lucina into the lava.

"I've killed so many people in my ruling, yet is it really enough to make you all happy?" Divination asked. The heroes backed away from Divination. They were all against the wall.

Kaede whispered, "You... are a psychopath. I hope you burn in the dark depths of hell."

"I know it's hard to realize... the darkness... It's all due to me. Hu Tao died because of me. Tsumugi is dead because of me. Zhongli is dead because of me. Shenhe is dead because of me. Markus and Lucina are dead... because of me..." He muttered. He gave out a small laugh and took a deep breath.

Beth shouted with tears, "WHAT BENEFITS DO YOU EVEN GET FROM KILLING SO MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE!?!" Divination stood quiet. He didn't respond.

Raiden said, "Milord doesn't want to answer that question. You will no longer be able to find help. Why? Opal will no longer help."

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO OPAL!?" Lysithea screamed. Divination turned around, he gave the heroes a smirk.

Divination sighed, "I silenced him. He's not dead, but he can't tell you anything. I'll make sure he doesn't tell you anything..."

"I..." Ganyu whispered. Divination looked at heroes and gave them a grin. It wasn't a nice one, instead, one filled with insanity, and zero guilt.

Agent 8 muttered, "You really don't have a soul... really now?"

"I might not 'have a soul' but, the people I killed... they all deserved it. They've ruined my plans, everything, I'll make sure everyone who steps in MY WAY..." He took a deep breath and his hand started to shake. He put his hands near his head and gave out a hysterical laugh.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHH-HAHAHAAHA!!" He laughed. The heroes looked at him. He had completely gone insane. "ANYONE WHO STANDS IN MY WAY WILL BE DESTROYED AND ELIMINATED!"

Peach asked, "What... did we do... to deserve this?"

"Everything..." He muttered. Then he directed them to leave. "If you leave now... nobody gets hurt. But if you don't... someone WILL get hurt..." The heroes did as they were told. They exited the room immediately and exited the castle.

Raiden asked, "Milord... are you okay?"

"Oh I am... once this will be all over. I'll get them all killed and everything will finally be okay..." Divination muttered. He turned around and broke the lever. He dumped the lava out into a huge bucket of water. On top of the water...

Was the ashes of Lucina and Markus.

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