Chapter 137- Divination's Former Self

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"Milord Divination... I've been meaning to ask you one thing," One citizen asked. Divination turned around.

Divination asked, "What do you need to ask?"

"Well... I've been thinking about this idea for our city. Perhaps you can implement it?" The citizen explained as they gave Divination a sheet of paper.

Divination laughed, "This is a fantastic idea! It makes me wonder why I didn't think of it. Alright, I'll implement it. The heroes will have a blast with this." Then he placed the sheet of paper on the desk. The citizen cheerfully walked away. Divination got to work on the idea.

That sheet of paper was a paper to implement a new renovation to the apartments. However... that was never implemented. Never.

"What was... that dream?" Divination asked as he slowly got up. He didn't remember much about it but he knew he had made a deal with the random citizen.

Divination muttered, "This place is in ruins. I wish I could've done what that citizen had asked me to do... back when I was mentally sane..." He looked over to his desk and walked to the mirror. He realized his facial features were slowly changing.

"Gods, what is even going on? First the scales and now all of sudden I have these strange... black markings on my face..." Divination asked. He looked at himself and shrugged it off. He put his glasses on and the... markings were gone?

Divination questioned, "What the hell is going on?" He took a deep breath and walked out of his room. He wanted to do something but he wasn't sure what exactly to do. He wanted to put his mind to it.

"What to do..." Divination asked himself while whispering. He looked outside, the whole city was in ruins. He looked back into his office. It was completely messy.

Divination sighed, "I should go ahead and renovate my office. It's a mess." He walked over to his office and started to tidy the place up.

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