Chapter 121- The City of Men

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"Aren't we supposed to meet up with my step-father?!" Lucina questioned.

Markus replied, "Yes, but we better check out the men's division." They walked over and spotted someone on guard duty.

"Woah there! Stop right there, do not cross!" The guard yelled.

Lucina introduced, "I'm Lucina Lowell. I am a part of the Exalt family. I've come here in peace."

"You guys are on the side of Quartz! I know Quartz followers when I see them!" The guard yelled.

Lysithea questioned, "I'm sorry, Quartz?"

"Yes! He's your god! He is the one responsible for the death of Mircea!" The guard yelled.

Lucina asked, "You mean Divination and Opal?"

"Oh that doesn't matter, you guys follow Quartz and that's all I know," The guard muttered.

Markus sighed, "Venti it's alright, they're with me."


"Venti?" The groups stood there staring at each other.

Venti apologized, "Ah, I'm so sorry. I'm just trying to take my guard duty seriously. Don't want anyone to get injured do we?"

"Yeah, also what do you mean by Quartz and Mircea? Don't you mean Divination and Opal?" Lucina wondered.

Venti shook his head, "No Ma'am. I cannot say Quartz's actual name. I can call Mircea, Opal but that's about it. You people know Quartz by his real name don't ya? That's probably why you all got confused."

"Oh, so you're not allowed to say Divination for Quartz?" Marissa asked.

Venti replied, "Yep. That's just how things work here. Likewise you guys are able to only refer to Mircea as Opal. Otherwise you would all be in big trouble." The heroes stared at Lucina.

"Oh..." Lucina whispered. Venti took a deep breath and glared at her.

Venti sighed, "Just be glad Mircea isn't alive. Otherwise he would've punished you."

"Opal can do that?!" Tessa asked with shock. Venti nodded.

Venti explained, "Opal may appear as a the sweet and kind protector god but he does get serious when rules are not taken seriously. That's about all I can say. You would have to learn from Quartz to get the rest."

"Well that isn't happening," Ganyu whispered.

Markus asked, "Well enough about that, are the citizens here doing okay?"

"Yep, everyone is doing fine. Mayor Tails had placed me on guard duty so all is going fine," Venti responded cheerfully.

Markus thanked, "Ah thank you for the good news. We wish you guys the best of luck."

"Thanks to you Markus and your group for coming over to check on us. Thanks!" Venti thanked. The two nodded and headed in different directions.

Marissa questioned, "Do you think... is anything going to change? Do you guys think we will be able to kill Divination?"

"We have to try!" Lucina encouraged.

Eternal FutureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora