Chapter 25- The Delivery of Peace

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"Delivery for Team Hero!!" Someone shouted. Hu Tao looked out the door and saw Raiden waiting there. She was ready to hand out a letter. Hu Tao opened the door.

"Hey there Raiden, are you feeling better, you kinda went crazy that day," Hu Tao said as she opened the door. Raiden nodded slowly and gave her the letter.

Raiden sighed, "This is just a letter that Divination wished to deliver but couldn't. So he sent me over and well, here I am."

"Ah okay! Thanks Raiden!" Hu Tao cheerfully thanked. Raiden smiled at her and soon left the area. Hu Tao looked down at the envelope it was in. It was decorated with approvals from Divination.

Hu Tao sighed, "Huh, guess this is what I look for when I get a letter from the ruler himself." She shut the door behind her and walked to the kitchen table and sat down. Everyone else was eating and so they were curious what Hu Tao had.

"It's a letter Divination sent to us, I wonder what it says," Hu Tao said.

Ganyu replied, "Well then, open it up! There has to be something really important in there!" The other heroes nodded, Hu Tao began to open the envelope.

Shuichi asked, "How do you know it was from Divination?"

"Well, A. Raiden delivered it to us, and B. Look at the way it is decorated!!" Hu Tao jumped.

Kaede laughed, "Divination sure has a strange way of decorating letters."

"Eh, it reminds me of a normal human being, sometimes even a child!" Hu Tao laughed. The others laughed. Then she got out the letter. "I'm reading everyone!"

The letter read, "Dear Team Hero, I am fervently downcast about the state of affairs that transpired betwixt Morax and as such, Ei. I pledge I am steering clear of the affairs duly. But as one, do have a solicitation for you all, I have embargoed Tsumugi from perforating the conurbation as so, your skirmishes will have to be on the exterior of our municipality. Negative, I'm prohibiting interrogating you to decamp the metropolis and affray Tsumugi howbeit, as I have a predominant solicitation. Do subsidize in heed that this is the entity I allocated to you all. So, with that axiomatic, let me cite apropos thus heroes all that I have flaunt."

"Divination and his formality, ugh I don't understand half of what he wrote!" Beth complained.

Hu Tao replied, "I think we'll understand the more we read."

The letter continues, "I invigorate you to sojourn the chateau of Ylisse. There traipse a bloke there. He is reckoning on your entrant, so I to the nth degree incentivize you to sojourn this bloke. He attests to be one of the erstwhile sovereigns of Ylisse, once administered Ylisse juxtaposed with his sultan Chrom Lowell. Maxim, he was whilom the consort of this sultan. Withal, gratify to pay this sovereign a sojourn. He is acquiring your abettance.

By your royal regards of your ruler, Divination."


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