Chapter 144- Tornado, The Airplane

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"Alright, all I need to do now is to renovate the plane just a little more..." Tails muttered. He continued to fix the plane. He was wondering if he was ever going to finish it on time before it's too late.

"Tails?" Someone asked. Tails looked around and saw his radio light blinking. He walked over and looked at the radio.

Tails replied, "Yes?"

The person cheered, "Oh good you hear me! Hey, it's Susie. How's the plane coming along?"

"It's almost done, anything you want me to add?" Tails cheered as he looked back at the plane.

Susie responded, "Hm... just one small thing."

Tails replied, "Sure thing, what do you require?"

"I need you to put a tracker on the plane, I'm gonna renovate your plane in order to work with our plan. Hope that's okay with you," Susie explained. Tails looked over and nodded.

Tails responded, "No problem, I'll go ahead and add that tracker. Also, you're free to renovate it. If I like it, I might end up keeping the features. You're a good mechanist yourself."

"Thanks Tails! Also thanks for the compliment, it means a lot coming from a great mechanist like you!" Susie exclaimed.

Tails laughed, "Not to worry. I'm always glad to help you heroes. Sorry about the inconvenience a couple days ago. I kinda was manipulated by Divination to make our city a... base sorta for Divination. He's never used it so I doubt he'll come back to take me over."

"Alright, I'll let you be. Have fun with the plane!" Susie cheered. Tails laughed and then they stopped talking.

Tails sighed, "Sure do love working with machines. Ah, I'm gonna miss you Tornado. But you're going to be taken in good hands!" Then he looked at the name that was printed on the plane.

"Sonic... that takes me back. Makes you really wonder how long ago these events happened. Still miss you Sonic..." Tails sighed. Then he finished up the maintenance and added the tracker.

Tails laughed, "That wasn't so bad. The tracker was pretty easy to add. Now, I gotta fly this plane to the base. Shouldn't be too hard..." Then thunder flashed in the distance. "I... think..." Tails was shivering and then he slowly got into his plane.

Tails exclaimed, "We have no time to waste Tornado! Let's get moving!" Then they took off.

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