Chapter 132- The God Who's A Demon To Us All

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"I can't help but keep feeling guilty that I'm to blame for Azura's sudden death..." Lucina muttered.

Ganyu comforted, "It's okay Lucina. I promise that it isn't your fault. Divination is to blame here since he's the one who threw his blade at her. He didn't really react to her death either. So..."

"I guess you make a good point," Lucina replied. Ganyu smiled and the two hugged.

Beth sighed, "We shouldn't be too calm about this situation because we don't know what Divination's planning to do. Maybe he will go ahead and find a way and kill another one of us. He's pretty good at that game."

"God it's such a stupid strategy that we keep falling for since we have no idea when he plans this out..." Lysithea groaned.

Beth responded, "Exactly, we should be more cautious about the things we are doing."

"I just... don't know. Divination is honestly getting more and more nerve-wracking. He's honestly making me feel like we're just never going to beat him," Lucina mumbled.

Ganyu encouraged, "Don't say things like that Lucina! There's no reason for you to be acting like this! You know your goal is to defeat Divination. We're going to achieve that goal with you!"


"NO BUTS! We're doing it together!" Beth encouraged. Ganyu eagerly nodded alongside Beth.

Lysithea sighed, "You've been filling your mind with such awful things. You need to get rid of those ideas and try to better your mind! This isn't the Lucina we know! So show some spirit for once!"

"You're right... Divination isn't a god. He's a demon. A monster, A THREAT TO DAWN!" Lucina shouted.

Ganyu cheered, "That's the spirit! You need to keep on fighting! Divination is a threat! He's nothing! He's dangerous! HE MUST BE DESTROYED!"

"I will make my parents proud, I will make sure that... he is destroyed. His blood will be in my hands and I'll make sure he doesn't do anymore harm," Lucina mumbled.

"That's the spirit!" Lysithea cheered. They got up and headed out. They were going to fight Divination head on again.

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