Chapter 12- Welcome to the Whitespace

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You've been living here for as long as you can remember. The whitespace is the way you can get away from your nightmares. Hu Tao was laying down on the white ground staring at the ceiling. She spotted Zhongli sitting on the couch.

"Director Hu, how are you feeling?"

"I guess I'm doing well," She responded. The whole room was black and white. She had black and white clothing. The same thing could be said about Zhongli. He was reading a book as Hu Tao lay on the ground.

"Hu Tao, try to get up, you can't be laying down here forever," Zhongli sighed. Hu Tao looked over and got up.

Hu Tao asked, "What if I do want to lay down forever?" Zhongli looked over and laughed.

"Alright, do what you want to do," Zhongli laughed. Hu Tao looked over and smiled. She continued to stare at the ceiling. Everything felt normal and calm. Zhongli was there, Hu Tao was herself, everything was finally at ease.

Zhongli asked, "What if you open that door?" Hu Tao looked up and saw the white door. She got up and walked towards it. She looked over at Zhongli, he continued to read.

Do you wish to open the door? Hu Tao took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Rise and Shine everyone!" Someone shouted. Hu Tao slowly opened her eyes. She got dressed and exited the room. Shuichi was waking everyone up.

"How are we doing today Hu Tao?" Shuichi asked. Hu Tao looked over and smiled.

Hu Tao sighed, "I got better sleep last night luckily. Thank you for caring for me." Shuichi nodded, everyone else woke up and began to eat breakfast.

Ganyu asked, "What are we going to do about Tsumugi?"

"I guess we need to figure out what Divination can do to help us, he seems like the one who would give information," Markus replied as he ate. The room they were staying in had enough space for all 13 of them, but it was crammed.

Lysithea sighed, "Do we think Divination knows what we can do to stop her? I mean he ordered us to try to defeat Rex Lapis and 'Ei'"

"I think so," Markus responded. They continued to eat, suddenly there was a large crash outside. Beth got up to look out their window and there was a car crash. Not one... but 5 of them.

"G-Guys..." Beth muttered.

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