Chapter 43- Lost, Then Found!

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"We've been searching for the longest time possible and yet we still haven't found any clues about where the sword could be..." Tessa muttered.

Lucina replied, "I'm sure we'll be able to find some information soon. I just know it!" The heroes looked at Lucina and then looked down at the ground.

Hu Tao said, "Cheer up everyone, I'm sure everything will be good. We'll find that sword soon." Then suddenly...

Markus shouted, "WAIT I SEE SOMETHING!!" The heroes looked over and saw a red glow. They all rushed over to take a look at what it was. Suddenly it was... the Chaos sword.

"Wait... is... that really the chaos sword?" Lysithea asked. The heroes looked at it, its red and black glow. It had only two colors but it radiated a lot of energy.

Ganyu gasped, "This is it everyone! This is the sword!"

"Oh my goodness! I can't believe we found it!" Agent 8 cheered. The heroes were all so excited.

Susie said, "Let me see what we can do in order to take the sword out. There's a lot of things that we can do, but there's a lot of effective ones and not-so effective ones."

"Oh Susie, you never seem to impress us with your knowledge of technology," Peach giggled. Susie looked at everyone and smiled. Hu Tao walked over to the sword, then she grabbed it with her hands.

Markus asked, "Hu Tao... what are you doing?" Hu Tao began to pull on the sword. The heroes were watching her carefully pull the sword out. It was a struggle but she was doing it.

"You can do it!" Kaede cheered. The other heroes watch anxiously.

Shuichi asked, "Does she have enough strength to do it?!" The heroes continued to watch, slowly she was pulling the sword out. Slowly but surely...

"You can do it..." Agent 8 muttered. Then she pulled the sword out.

"Success!!" Hu Tao cheered.

"WOOOO!!!" The heroes cheered, they were all so excited.

Hu Tao laughed, "I did it! I managed to get the sword out!!" She looked at it and the glow became red.

"Looks like the sword likes you! Ha! Divination should've never doubted us!" Beth laughed. They all laughed when...

"WHO TOOK OUT THE SWORD?!" Someone's voice boomed. The heroes looked around, no source of who it was. When...

Lucina asked, "Guardian Raiden?! What brings you here?" She looked at the heroes and then at the sword Hu Tao had in her hands.

"Give me the sword..."

"What? Why?!"

"GIVE IT!" The heroes stood backward. Hu Tao looked at the sword and then back at Raiden.

Hu Tao replied, "I'm afraid I have to say no."

"Hu Tao..." Raiden muttered.

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