Chapter 42- A Soft Whisper

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"Divination... it's been a while hasn't it?" A voice asked. Divination looked around, it was dark and quiet, he was just about to return back into the city. When suddenly Tsumugi appeared.

"DAMN YOU! What brings you here?!" Divination asked. Tsumugi took a deep breath and looked at Divination. Divination took out his blessed lance and got ready to fight.

Tsumugi asked, "Why are you wanting to fight? I thought we were on good terms..."

"We were on good terms?!" Divination asked. Tsumugi looked at him and smiled. Divination stood there ready to attack at any given moment.

Tsumugi sighed, "Y'know Divination, there's just so much for us to see. There's a whole world out there, and you're gatekeeping that away from us?!"

"I'm not even trying to gatekeep it away, I'm forced to-" Divination began before he was suddenly interrupted by Tsumugi.

"Hush up, I'm not afraid to spread the truth of what is behind your face. You hide a bunch of lies yourself, Divination," Tsumugi said, it was like she was forcing Divination to stay quiet.

Divination muttered, "You..."

"Hehe! I would indeed dare to do this! I'm not afraid to blurt out secrets," Tsumugi laughed.

Divination asked, "Where did you get my secrets? Who did you even ask?"

"Oh, you don't know?" Tsumugi asked. Divination looked at her, suddenly he felt like he had a bad headache.

Tsumugi laughed, "Oh! It was by one of your loyal subjects! I'm sure that's hard to find out but they told me."

"That's impossible, none of them know a single thing about me..." Divination muttered. Tsumugi looked at him and smiled.

Tsumugi laughed, "Ohhh trust me, I know who said this about you. It's just all so obvious! I mean... look at you. You already scream that you're hiding secrets, so give it up Divination. It's over..."

"No... No... unless you tell me who said these things..." Divination muttered. Tsumugi looked at him and smiled. She got closer and grabbed his head. Slowly pulling it closer to him, and whispering...

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