Chapter 44- The Electro Song

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"Why are you not giving me the sword?!" Raiden asked. The heroes looked at her and then at Hu Tao.

Hu Tao argued, "Because Divination is not allowing us to be free! Don't you realize what this means?!"

"What it means is that you're in serious danger!" Raiden replied, she had now taken out her polearm.

Hu Tao asked, "What?! What trouble am I in if the sword is right in my hands?!" Raiden looked her right in the eyes, she was becoming irritated with Hu Tao's actions.

"I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU! HAND OVER THE SWORD!" Raiden replied as she gave out her hand. Hu Tao stepped backward.

Hu Tao argued, "I'm afraid I can't give you the sword! Plus you don't have to listen to what Divination says!"

"I don't care what you think but you cannot tell me what to do," Raiden muttered. "I follow his orders because he knows what's right!"

Hu Tao yelled, "Truthfully, he doesn't know how to protect us!" Raiden stood there, completely stunned by Hu Tao's response. Her eyes darted directly to the sword, she became furious.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF OUR GOD LIKE THAT!" Raiden shouted as she sent out some electric bolts.

Lucina said worriedly, "You should probably take back what you said!" Hu Tao looked at her and then at Raiden.

"No, I should have the right to believe what I want to believe," Hu Tao responded. The heroes all shook their heads. Raiden darted her eyes.

Raiden laughed, "I don't know where you got these ideas but they're nothing but lies... and since you refuse to give up the sword." She put away the polearm and took out the sword. "Looks like you're the enemy..."


"I used to believe we were allies, we were friends, Hu Tao. I thought we could trust each other, but clearly we CAN'T. So this is... all on you!" Raiden shouted as she pointed the sword at the sky. Then suddenly the gray sky turned into dark and stormy electric ones... Something was starting and it wasn't going to be pretty.

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