901 retpahC- selbuorT

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"Welcome to your dreams, the world is in your hands. No need to be scared now, there's no more troubles in your life," A voice whispered. The heroes could hear the voice but they didn't know where they were.

"Welcome to the dreams, I am your host! Oh, was that a little too much?" The person laughed. The heroes couldn't even open their eyes. They felt like they were in some type of fever dream. Heck, even a lucid dream for their own worries.

Azura asked, "Who... are you even? Why does... this place feel familiar?"

"Oh welcome to your dreams! This place is called !seiromeM nettogroF Also referred to as !aenimuL wobniaR" The voice replied.

"What?" Markus questioned.

"aenimuL wobniaR! Does it not sound familiar?" The voice repeated. The heroes all laid there quietly; they had no idea what to say.

Peach asked, "What did you say? I can't understand a thing you're saying?" The voice stood quiet.

"What are you talking about? The place? Or what I just said?" The voice wondered.

Lucina replied, "The place, what is the place called?!"

"!seiromeM nettogroF Also known as !aenimuL wobniaR" The voice repeated again.

Azura asked, "?aenimuL wobniaR" The heroes didn't know how to respond. The voice started cheering.

Marissa questioned, "Is there any way we can get out of here? We were all placed to sleep by Divination's strange yet dreamy voice..."

"Well there is one way!" The voice replied.

Beth said cheerfully, "Great, now how do we do that?"

"Simple, just say, !dlrow eht ot emoclew"

"Excuse me?" Beth questioned, annoyed.

"Yep! !dlrow eht ot emoclew Just like that!" The voice replied joyfully. The heroes all listened to the cheery voice but... they didn't know how to get out. How are they supposed to say that? Azura managed to say the place backwards. But how do you say a sentence backwards?

"Come on! Say it!"

"Um..." The heroes responded worriedly.

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