Chapter 70- Divination?!

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"Milord, there's so many things for you to do next, what are you going to do?" Raiden questioned. She was cleaning up his desk as he sat there thinking.

Divination asked, "Was killing Shenhe the best idea?"

"I think so, you can have an easier time at destroying the heroes," Raiden replied. Divination sat there questioning. Then he took a deep breath.

"If I ended up killing you, would you have a problem with it?" Divination asked.

Raiden explained, "I wouldn't at all, milord. As long as it helps destroy the heroes. Everything will be okay."

"Okay... I was just wondering," Divination sighed. He got up and walked to the window. He didn't know what to do or say.

"Do you suggest I should do something?" Raiden asked. Divination didn't answer, he felt different all of a sudden. Then he gave a small giggle.

Divination sighed, "Oh don't worry, I do have something for you." He walked over to Raiden and told her what to do.

"Alright, I'll do as you must. They will be punished accordingly," Raiden nodded. She finished cleaning and left the area.

Divination laughed, "Soon there will be nothing in the world! The world will be mine to control! DO YOU HEAR THAT?! MINE!!!!" He took a deep breath and calmed himself.

"Sometimes, I get a little too ahead of myself..." He giggled and then left his room. He left the castle behind, getting ready to murder the rest of the heroes.

Divination whispered, "As long as they are eliminated, nothing will stop me. Nothing..." He giggled once more and left the area.

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