Epilogue- The True God of Peace

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"This is where Lucina was last spotted," Susie sighed. Then they saw a portal open. Out came Lucina and Divination.

"GAH!!" They screamed. The heroes all took out their weapons.

Lucina explained, "Guys! Everything is okay! Divination is back to his normal self!" The heroes were skeptical about the situation.

Divination apologized, "I'm sorry that I have harmed you all. I love you all dearly and I never meant to put you all in trouble. It seems like my horrible mindset got the best of me. I apologize for my actions."

"Seems legit to me," Tails sighed. The heroes still weren't sure about the situation.

Divination explained, "If I can do anything I'll do it.

"Fix the place and revive everyone you killed!" Susie demanded. Divination took a deep breath. He gave them all a smile.

"Done, but first in order for me to do this, I have to revive Opal, Raiden and Shenhe first," Divination replied smiling. Then he took off his technology glasses. Doing so he revealed his true identity to the heroes.

"Are you sure you're okay with this!?" Beth questioned. Divination nodded. The heroes were completely astonished.

Lucina cheered, "I'm so glad to know you still exist, father." Chrom looked over and smiled at her.

Ganyu sighed, "This seems a lot more believable. Okay, we trust you Divination." Chrom nodded. He put back the technology glasses and revived Opal, Raiden, and Shenhe. He was finally back to his normal powers.

"OPAL!!!" They all cheered. Opal was confused. They all landed and all of them were dizzy. Divination walked over to Opal and gave him a hand. Opal smiled at Divination and Divination smiled back.

"You want to revive everyone?" Opal questioned after hearing the whole story from Divination. Divination nodded.

Opal laughed, "Well we'll all do it together. Alright let me show you all my identity." Then Opal took off his technology glasses.

"I WASN'T EXPECTING THAT!" Tails shouted. Opal laughed.

Lucina gasped, "Marth?! Wow, what a timeline we live in." Marth giggled again and Divination laughed with him. Soon Raiden and Shenhe laughed with them. Marth put on his technology glasses and transformed back to Opal.

Opal ordered, "The rest of you, I trust you tell your teammates about this, but DO NOT reveal our identities to the public. I trust you all with my and Divination's identities." The heroes and Tails nodded.

"Alright together now," Divination said. The three nodded. They formed a circle and raised their hands. Then there was a burst. The heroes felt the wind speed slow down and the rain stop. Then several people landed on the ground.

"Yikes... what a hit," Someone grunted.

"HU TAO!" Ganyu cheered. They both hugged. Then soon the rest of the team members landed.

"SHUICHI, KAEDE, PEACH, ZELDA, AGENT 8!" Lucina cheered.

Marissa cheered, "MARKUS!!" They all had a group hug with each other.

Divination gasped, "Now that took a lot of energy."

"I'm glad you came to senses Milord Divination," Tails said with a smile. Divination smiled at him.

Opal sighed, "Oh and to you heroes. You're all allowed to call me Mircea. I'm so glad to be working with you all."

"Mircea?" Hu Tao asked.

Shuichi asked, "How much did we miss?"

"I suppose quite a bit," Someone said. It was Zhongli, he came walking by with Azura.

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