Chapter 102- The Silent Waves

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"Milord?" Raiden asked. She looked around the castle. There didn't really seem to be anyone in the castle. "MILORD!" She looked around again. No response.

Raiden explained, "I have something for you, I'm sure you're interested to see!" There was still zero response. Raiden got irritated and left the castle. She left the stuff in her room and went to search for Divination. "I know what you're thinking Raiden. Where could Milord even be?!" Then she reached the Everbay coast.

Raiden questioned, "Milord?!" She rushed over and saw Divination sitting on the sand. He was watching the waves. "I was looking for you!"

Divination replied, "I'm so sorry for leaving you worried. I probably should've left you a note that I was going to be visiting the everbay coast." Raiden sat down next to him. The two watched the waves crash softly. They seemed to be enjoying it.

"I really am wondering, am I doing the right thing?" Divination questioned. Raiden stared at him, she stared down at the waves, at the sand, then back at Divination. "I feel like I'm not doing enough. I feel like... I don't deserve to rule the women's division."

Raiden replied, grabbing Divination's hands, "Milord, these thoughts are only consuming you more and more. You have to sit back and relax. Realize what you're missing out on. This is our life, a life where we share one goal in mind."

"Yeah... you're right!" Divination said with a smile. The two smiled at each other. Then they kissed.

Raiden sighed, "I came looking for you because... I found something. Something... highly important."

"What? What did you find out?" Divination asked as he stood up. He cleaned himself off, Raiden stared at him and smiled.

"Come follow me," Raiden replied. Divination followed her back to the castle. Raiden grabbed the stuff she left in her room and brought it to Divination. "I got the materials for... bringing back King Liberty. It was a lot of work, but I did it."

Divination gasped, "I can't believe it... I can't believe you actually did what I asked you to do. It's... like a sudden dream come true!" Raiden smiled at Divination and Divination smiled back at her. "Thank you... so much..."

Raiden explained, "You're welcome, however I also found something new, not relating to bringing back King Liberty. What I ended up finding was this..." Then she handed Divination a sword. It had a white glow and it was a katana. It seemed to be a weapon of the goddess.

Divination asked, "You found the Divine sword?! This... is impossible!" Divination gasped. He looked at the sword and smiled at Raiden. "You have done so much... Thank you." Raiden smiled at him.

Raiden replied while blushing, "Anything for you Milord Divination." Divination smiled at her and they kissed again.

"I wanted to send the heroes out to get the Divine sword, but of course, they wanted their hands on the Chaos sword. Why didn't I mention the Divine sword first before telling them about the Divine Devastation sword?!" Divination asked as he stared at the sword. He took a deep breath and smiled at Raiden. "Whatever, that doesn't matter anymore, just... thank you."

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