Chapter 150- The Other Rainbow

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"Divination," Lucina said sternly. She quickly dropped her sword and grabbed Divination.

"WHAT-" They were both hit with the beam and that sent them to somewhere.

"LUCINA?!" Susie asked. She tried to find any whereabouts of where Lucina was but there was no sign of her to be even in existence.

Lysithea asked, "What did Divination do?"




"Ngh... What's going on?" Lucina asked. She got up and saw Divination on the ground. He was back to his ordinary god self. She was so confused. They seem to be on the same rooftop however... there was a strange red dusty sky.

Lucina asked, "Divination?"

"No... Erica... I..." He mumbled. Lucina looked over at Divination who was slowly losing his mind.


"ERICA!!! I DIDN'T!!! NO!!!" He screamed. He looked up and saw Lucina. "You... what have you done?"

"I didn't do anything!"

"YOU SENT US TO MY MIND!!" Divination screamed. Lucina was confused. She looked around, it was all hazy.

"Mother... I didn't mean this.. I have failed you... no... no..." Divination grunted. He had tears in his eyes. Lucina noticed his technology glasses were back on but he seemed to be consumed by some type of guilt.

"Divination?" Lucina questioned.

Divination screamed, "I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THIS!!! NO!!!" Lucina saw him bursting into tears. She didn't know how to react. "Lucina... you sweet child... save me..." Lucina stared at him. Then he felt himself being corrupted by something. Lucina took out falchion to prepare herself.

Lucina asked, "Divination, what's going on?" Then Divination was fully corrupted by the disturbing thoughts. Those thoughts being the failure he was to Erica.

"AGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!" He screamed in terror. He took out his lance and dashed at Lucina. Lucina dodged the attack.

Lucina muttered, "I have to free him from those thoughts, but how?" Divination threw his lance at Lucina and she got hit.

Divination groaned, "You made a huge mistake coming here..." Lucina shook her head. She dashed to the other side to think of an idea.

Lucina thought, "Divination never wanted to hurt us. He's been filled with so many lies that he went insane... Divination..." Divination swung his lance at Lucina and she ducked.

"Where are these thoughts?!" Lucina questioned. Divination stood still and stared at her. He seemed to have a dead inside expression on his face. "He's corrupted for sure..." Lucina looked around and found these strange dark gray clouds.

Divination laughed, "Children like you should be punished." He slammed his lance onto the ground.

"Hang on Divination, I'm coming to save you," Lucina sighed. Then she started to break the clouds. She was making them disappear one by one. She noticed Divination was slowly regaining control of his body.

Lucina asked, "Do you hear me, Divination!?"

"Yes! Please... make those thoughts- ARGH!!" Divination replied. Then he attacked Lucina and she was pushed away from the clouds. Divination tried to steer himself to attack the clouds but he couldn't.

Lucina muttered, "Come on..." She jumped up and broke a few more clouds. Divination was able to gain more control back

"Lucina! There's a few more clouds left! Hurry!" Divination shouted. Then he attacked Lucina. He was finally conscious in the mind but his body was still trying to hurt Lucina.

Lucina grunted, "I can't see the last clouds!" Divination tried to control himself but he was unable to do so.

"LUCINA!!" Divination warned. Lucina stepped onto the side and Divination fell onto the ground. He was trying to hit Lucina again.

Lucina asked, "Do you know where the last clouds are?"

"They are near the top! I wish I could help you but my body won't say otherwise," Divination grunted. Lucina took a deep breath and jumped on Divination.

"Sorry about this," Lucina apologized. Then she jumped higher. She was able to break two more clouds and Divination was able to gain particle control over his body.

"I got control of my upper half, however there's 5 left!" Divination said. Then he started to dash at Lucina. Luckily he was able to turn himself away from Lucina.

"They're too high up! There's no way I'll be able to reach them!" Lucina grunted as she tried to reach the clouds. Divination looked up.

"Hang on!" Divination shouted. Lucina got ready. Divination was able to launch Lucina up into the air. Lucina was able to break all but one cloud. But Divination was fully back to normal.

Divination explained, "That last cloud is the cloud that creates these dreadful thoughts. If we don't break it then you guys will see my insane self again." Lucina nodded.

Lucina asked, "How are we going to get there? It's so high up!"

"Wait a second," Divination then realized something. He took off his cape and the wings came out.


"NO QUESTIONS LET'S MOVE!" Divination ordered. He grabbed Lucina and they flew up.

"I'll be able to deal enough damage so that you can do the final blow!" Lucina shouted. Lucina dropped down and sliced the cloud in half. It was much weaker now. "NOW DIVINATION!" Divination nodded.

Divination whispered, "I'm doing this to save our planet. I have failed as a protector to protect those who I love. I must do what is right and fight for my own path. The path to carve a new future. My mistakes have torn this world apart. But now I'm going to make a difference. This difference. I WILL CHANGE OUR FUTURE!!" Lucina looked up and saw Divination soaring down from the cloud. He was so high up in the air he felt like he had all the strength he needed to break his insanity.

Lucina pleaded, "Please Divination... I know you have it in you..." Then Divination finished the cloud. It exploded and he landed. He put back his cape and his wings disappeared.

Lucina asked, "Did.. we do it?" Divination looked up at the sky and saw the sky turning blue. Divination saw the sparkles clearing up. "Divination?" Then he hugged Lucina.

"Thank you... so much Lucina," Divination thanked. He was crying tears of joy. Lucina hugged him back. Divination was so proud of Lucina.

Divination sighed, "I suppose you heard that message Claude gave you right?" Lucina nodded. "That was a sign... that you were supposed to save me. I sent the spirit of Chrom to tell you to save me." Lucina stared at him. Then she started to cry.

"OH FATHER!" She cried. Divination took a deep breath and smiled at her. Then they finally went back to reality.

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