Chapter 13- Dominance On The People

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 "AHAHAA!!" Tsumugi laughed as she continued to crash the cars. The heroes came dashing over to stop the chaos.

"Oh, it's great to see you all!" Tsumugi laughed as more cars slammed into each other.

Beth asked, "What do you want?! Why are you doing this towards the people! You're killing innocent lives!" The heroes nodded. Tsumugi yawned and then transformed into someone.

"I guess cosplaying really has its benefits!" Tsumugi laughed. She had just changed into Childe.

Lucina sighed, "Cosplaying may have its benefits but that doesn't mean you aren't able to lose?" Childe laughed and soon the heroes began to fight.

"W-What on Dawn is going on?" Divination asked as he heard rumbling noises from outside.

"D-Divination wait!" Someone shouted. He left his company behind to check on what was going on. Suddenly he spotted cars being thrown across the place.

"What the hell!?" Divination asked. He sounded infuriated. He got out of his building and rushed to the scene. He spotted the heroes fighting Childe as he continued to throw cars at them. Divination looked down at himself. He dodged the cars being thrown but... there's no way he could contain his calmness.

"EVERYONE FREEZE!!" Divination shouted. His loud booming voice startled everyone. Tsumugi changed back to her regular self. "What on GODS NAME ARE YOU ALL DOING!?"

Ganyu stammered, "F-Fighting... what else?" Divination already appeared pissed off and now he got even MORE pissed.

"FIGHTING!?" He boomed. All of the heroes got frightened. I felt like they did something wrong.

Tsumugi rolled her eyes and responded, "You have a problem with that?"

"Not only do I have a problem with that, WHAT IN GODS NAME ARE YOU DOING WITH THE CARS?!" Divination bellowed.

Tsumugi responded, "Throwing them!"

"I have no problem with conflict fighting such as the Ei and Rex Lapis fight, but if you put dangerous objects into this... THIS IS WHERE IT BECOMES A PROBLEM!" Divination explained.

Lucina asked, "So..."

"I would rather like it if you had larger fights OUTSIDE of the city! I do NOT want to deal with the destruction of the buildings, PLEASE!" Divination begged.

Tsumugi rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fine." Suddenly another car came crashing by, exploding in the distance. Suddenly a building came collapsing.

"Oh... god..." Tessa gasped.

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