Chapter 120- "Took You About Time"

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"Okay... deep breaths," Raiden muttered. Then she heard footsteps in the distance. They were Divination's footsteps. She got herself ready to face the truth.

Divination sighed, "It took you about damn time to get here." He seemed extremely unhappy. But he's like that always, however there seemed to be more emphasis on this unhappiness.

Raiden asked, "Sir? Did... we go under an attack?" Divination stared at her. Then he crossed his arms.

Divination reminded, "Remember when you asked me about the security cameras being on only during the night?" Raiden nodded. Divination's neutral facial expression turned grim. He was suddenly enraged.

Raiden questioned, "Sir what's with the look on your face?" Divination took a deep breath.

"I forgot to mention that there's one security camera that's on all the time, that being... the security camera that's in the room where the Chaos sword is," Divination explained furiously.

Raiden asked, "What's the matter sir?"

"DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME," Divinaiton boomed. Raiden stood backwards. "I know what you're up to Raiden. I'm not some type of imbecile like the heroes." Raiden stared at him, fear started to get into her eyes. Divination took out his katana.

"I THOUGHT YOU CARED FOR ME! I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING! YOU PROMISED TO ME THAT YOU WOULD'VE NEVER BETRAYED ME!!!!!" Divination screamed. The whole place shook. Divination took a deep breath.

Divination sighed, "I never wanted this to happen. No, never once in my life did I want this to happen."

Raiden asked, "What do you mean?! I didn't do anything!"

"You ruined my trust, you were the ONLY person I trusted and now you BLEW IT!" Divination boomed. Raiden got onto the floor. Divination was enraged, furious. He was so enraged that his katana started to glow white. His hair was glowing brighter than ever. Almost completely white.

Raiden mumbled, "There has to be some mistake... THERE HAS TO!"

"There is no such thing as a mistake here, I saw the security cameras. I saw you steal the sword, you tried to fool me with the replica but that wasn't happening..." Divination said with anger inside of his voice.

Raiden pleaded, "PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU SAY IF YOU DON'T KILL ME SIR!" Divination looked down at her. Slowly raising his katana.

"I don't care how many times you plead to me, it's going to be the same no matter what ends up happening, whether you like it or not," Divination sighed.


"I know you won't keep that promise, besides, I already had enough use of you, I don't need you anymore when you're the last bit of the ultimate power I need," Divination muttered. Raiden was shaking. Divination looked at his katana and then back at Raiden.

Divination asked, "Any last wishes?" Raiden didn't say anything. Then Divination threw the sword into her head. Divination took his lance and slowly picked on Raiden. Breaking her apart slowly.

"That's enough of you, I had enough of you. You're so simple-minded and the one time you try to be smart fails miserably, what a shame," Divination laughed. He took Raiden's power and she disappeared. Then looked at his necklace.

Divination laughed hysterically, "FINALLY!!! THE POWER IS ALL MINE!! YOU HEAR THAT HEROES?! ALLLLLL MINEEEEEEEE!!!" He put his hands on his head and the whole castle when dark.

"This... world is this close to being all mine..." He muttered. Then silence overcame.

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