Chapter 148- An Electro Lifeform

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"Alright we're almost there," Lucina said with a smile. Then they all stopped. Right before hitting the final rooftop, they saw someone with a cape. However they were all so familiar with that braid.

Lysithea asked, "So... did Divination revive you too?"

"Hm..." The voice mumbled. They turned around and it was Raiden. "By the hands of Divination! I'm afraid you must all surrender!!" Raiden shouted. The heroes stared at her.

Lucina said, "Get ready..." They took out weapons and Raiden took out her katana.

Raiden laughed, "You will never win..." Then she sent out an electro attack. Luckily there were no hazards to be found. So they were able to dodge with ease.

"Raiden Shogun, you're still the same despite being controlled by Divination," Lucina muttered. Raiden looked at her and attacked her. "ARGH!" She fell onto the ground. The heroes started to throw attacks at Raiden. Tessa rushed to Lucina's aid.

"YOU HEROES WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO WIN!" Raiden laughed. Then she used a burst to shove the heroes away. The heroes looked over and saw her with a mysterious white aura. This aura wasn't with the others.

Lucina asked, "Could that aura be because... we're near Divination?" Raiden looked over and threw another electro attack. This time aiming for Tessa.

"TESS!" Lucina shouted. Tessa fell backward. She was dangerously close to the edge. Lucina looked over and slowly got up.

"HAHAHA!!!" Raiden laughed. Then she made another burst. The stage was now filled with electricity.

"If we touch the walls, we'll be electrocuted!" Lysithea warned. Raiden looked at the heroes. She first targeted Lucina.

"Why me?!" Lucina asked as she blocked her attacks with the shield.

Raiden explained, "That's because you've been nothing but a nuisance to us all! I MUST DESTROY YOU WHEN I HAVE A CHANCE!!" Then she made an electro burst. Lucina dodged it and regrouped with the heroes.

"So you want to kill me huh? I never knew that," Lucina mocked. Raiden glared at her. The heroes got ready to aid Lucina.

Marissa shouted, "YOU ARE THE REASON MY BROTHER IS DEAD!" She dashed at Raiden and the two had a duel.

"Ah so you're wondering what happened to Markus? Yeah we know he's dead. But how can you blame me?" Raiden laughed. Then she managed to get Marissa to let go of her weapon.

Marissa grunted, "Ugh... I have to blame you. You insane man."

"Actually you're only hitting the beginning of who I am! I am hiding a huge celebration for you all," Raiden giggled. Then her giggling turned hysterical.

Lucina sighed, "Divination... what are you hiding..."

"I'm not hiding anything at all, it's just my ultimate goal to defeat you all!" Raiden giggled. Then she dashed at Lucina. The two fought with each other for a bit.

Ganyu said, "Hang on Lucina!" Then she shot icicles at Raiden.

Raiden laughed hysterically, "GAHAHA!!! YOU WILL NEVER WIN!! I HAVE THE HIGHER GROUND!!!" Then she jumped and dashed at Ganyu. Ganyu dodged and Lysithea used a spell on Raiden.

Raiden mumbled, "You children are smart. But how will you compare to THIS!?!" Then she sent a burst out again. The heroes dodged it and Raiden got infuriated.

"No matter, I know just the way to defeat you all," Raiden giggled. Then she jumped into the air, she swung her katana several times. She then sent electro attacks at the heroes. They got hit by them.

Lucina shouted, "NOO!!!" Then she rushed at Raiden. Raiden blocked her attack, however Lucina was using all her force to push her sword forward.

"You... are such a child!" Raiden mocked. Raiden pushed against Lucina but Lucina was much stronger. "NO! HOW CAN THIS BE?!" Lucina smirked at Raiden and continued to put pressure on her.

"NOOOOO!!" Raiden shouted, then she dropped her Katana. The electricity wall disappeared and she stared back. Raiden looked at the heroes.

Lucina ordered, "SPEAK UP NOW RAIDEN!" Raiden looked at the heroes and smiled at them. Her smile turned into a grim one. The same grim smile Divination wears on him at all times.

"You are all such foolish people. What makes you think I will give you so much information?" Raiden laughed. She got up and picked up her katana. The heroes were ready to attack her again.


"Why should I when you are all so close to your goal. No matter however, the final battle awaits... SOOO LONG HEROES!!!" Raiden laughed. Then she slowly started to melt. She seemed to disappear into the distance.

"AFTER HER!!!" Lucina ordered. The heroes after her. They were heading to the final battle. The battle to change their future.

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