Chapter 105- In The Brink of Time

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Shuichi grabbed the Katana. It was inches away from reaching his heart area. He did everything he could in order to make sure he didn't get hit by it.

"OH YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME?!" Divination asked. He pushed the sword forward, it was now centimeters away from Shuichi's heart. Divination pushed it forward. Shuichi then felt the sword getting in his body.

Shuichi grunted, "Heroes... I really wanted to say that... At least we had a good time together. Divination is insane in the head. But... thanks for letting me be a team member..." Then Divination stabbed him in the heart.

Divination whispered, "I need to make sure..." He placed Shuichi on the ground and stabbed him several times with the katana.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE! JUST LET HIM DIE IN PEACE!!" Kaede screamed. Raiden stared down at her and stabbed her in the heart. "No... please..."

"I had enough of your rumbling, at least you'll be both dead. You and your petty little boyfriend," Raiden muttered to Kaede. Kaede had tears in her eyes.

Kaede whispered to Team Hero, "I'm sorry everyone..." Then Raiden finished her off. There was blood all over the street. Five people were killed, yet it looked like 100 people died. Their blood was just smeared... everywhere.

Divination sighed, "I'm done murdering Shuichi. Now, where were we..." The heroes didn't know how to react, they looked like they just saw a horror scene happen. Azura looked at Raiden and Divination.

"We'll let Azura go, if one of you guys dies for her..." Divination and Raiden whispered together. The heroes all looked at one another, were any of them willing to take the risk?

Azura pleaded, "Don't do it please! Just let me die at the hands of Divination and Raiden! There needs to be more heroes than random people who can't do anything!

"But you're not a random person, none of you guys were... you were all a big help, but..." Lucina replied. Azura looked at them, she wanted them to just let her die.

Divination asked, "What's your response? I'm sure this shall be interesting!" The heroes all looked at one another. There was only one option to save Azura... and none of them wanted to take that risk.

"Well if you don't answer now, she will get killed," Raiden threatened. Divination got ready to slay Azura.

"WAIT!" Someone shouted. They stepped ahead of the heroes. "I'll do it."

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