Chapter 17- Rainy Nights, New Place

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Hu Tao was standing in the rain, it was cold and cloudy. She stood there quietly standing watching the rain pouring down, naturally, she had an umbrella but it was nice.

"Director Hu, what is so mesmerizing about the rain?" Zhongli asked as he walked next to Hu Tao, she stood there staring up at Zhongli.

Hu Tao sighed, "I just happen to really like the rain a lot."

"It's cold out here, come along," Zhongli sighed. Hu Tao turned around and followed Zhongli. The road was quiet and calm, cars came by but... something about Zhongli's footsteps really made the place feel magical.

"Your footsteps are loud..." Hu Tao mumbled.

"Is that a problem?" Zhongli asked. Hu Tao shook her head no. "I like the sounds of the footsteps stepping in the puddles, it gives a warm and calm feeling doesn't it?"

"Yeah it does," Hu Tao replied. She looked around the cold city, the gray clouds flooded the sky. "It reminds me of when you were alive..." Her smile turned into a frown and she nearly burst into tears.

"Director Hu, I am not dead. You are..." Zhongli sighed. Hu Tao looked up and her eyes widen. Zhongli was looking at Hu Tao. "Open your eyes, you're living in nothing but a nightmare, an endless nightmare that is nothing but hell."

Hu Tao asked, "I'm the one dead?" Zhongli looked at her and smiled, suddenly everything faded to black. Hu Tao was back laying on the ground.

"Welcome back, go ahead and open the door," A voice laughed. Hu Tao looked up and stared at the door. It was white, and so she walked closer towards it.

"Is... this my answer?" She asked. She opened the door when suddenly.

"GOOOOODDD MORNING!!!!!" Someone shouted. Hu Tao shot awake. She opened the door immediately to find Markus hitting frying pans together.

"MARKUS!!" Lucina shouted. She rushed over to stop him but she tripped because Lysithea was heading out of her room.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry Lucina!" Lysithea yelled, apologizing. Lucina got up and helped Markus get up.

Lucina yelled, "MARKUS! Don't be SCARING us like that!" The two began to tease each other.

Ganyu asked, "So it's morning?" Markus looked at them and smiled.

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