Chapter 149- Lunacy of A God

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"Ugh, the thunder, the wind, everything... Where is Divination!?" Lucina questioned. They looked around. They felt their hair going into their faces due to the wind.

Beth sighed, "Susie... she isn't done with the plane..." Lucina looked over and saw a strange orb in the sky.

"What... the..." Lucina asked. The heroes stared at the orb. Then it became very clear what it was. It was the god himself. Milord Divination. His true self was revealed. He seemed to have a pair of wings and... tentacles?

Lucina asked, "DIVINATION!?" Divination looked at the heroes and smirked at them. Then he took out his staff. He also took out a sword. The heroes took out their weapons in order to defend themselves

"I'll just have to fight you all in order to make sure this vortex opens," Divination laughed. He... seemed to have a tongue but the outfit was still the same. However, his hairstyle was different. Similar to a familiar hairstyle.

Lucina sighed, "Fine, we'll fight." Divination laughed and launched a tentacle at Lucina. Lucina dodged it and Ganyu chopped it off.

"GARGH!! No matter. I'll just go ahead and destroy you all with my staff," Divination sighed. He flew higher into the air and then sent out a light beam.

"GAH!!" They shouted. They managed to dodge it.

Beth sighed, "Ganyu is the only one that can hit Divination. The rest of us won't reach." Ganyu got her arrows ready and started to shoot Divination. Divination dodged each of her attacks.

"I FEEL AMAZING!!!" Divination laughed. Lucina looked up and was staring closely at Divination. She seemed to know something familiar about him but she wasn't sure what.

"I can't hit him! Someone, use the arrows!" Ganyu shouted with concern. Beth rushed in and used the arrows to shoot at Divination. Once more he dodged each one.

Divination laughed, "I CAN DO THIS ALL DAY!!" Then he shot another light beam. The heroes barely were able to dodge that.

"What are we able to do?" Lysithea asked Lucina.

Lucina suggested, "Someone... launch me." Beth rushed over and launched Lucina into the air. Divination threw his tentacles and grabbed Lucina. Beth shot an arrow at the tentacles that had Lucina. She dropped down.

"ARGH!!" Divination screamed. Lysithea placed a cushion for Lucina to land on.

Tiki complimented, "That was some quick thinking." Divination looked at the heroes and hissed.

"Sheesh, what's with the tongue?" Tessa mocked. Divination stared at her and threw his sword. Tessa dodged and Beth grabbed the sword. However she let go of it when Divination brought it back.

"Hang on... maybe we can weaken him down if we hit his glasses," Lucina suggested. The heroes nodded and threw attacks at Divination. He kept on missing. Then Lucina threw a sword into one side of the technology glasses.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Divination screamed. That piece of the glasses broke and part of his face was revealed. One eye was revealed and he seemed to have some strange black markings on his face.

"What..." Lucina asked. Divination then came soaring down. He stabbed his sword onto the ground and landed.

Divination sighed, "You children are... just so pathetic..." Then Lysithea broke the other half of his glasses.

"GIVE UP DIVINATION!" Lucina shouted. Divination took off his glasses and flew back into the air.

Lysithea noticed, "He seems to have one white eye and one black eye... the markings on his face... they're so unusual. They're like going through his eyes!" The heroes dodged the attack.

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