Chapter 98- Terminations of Desires

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"How are you feeling right now?" Divination asked Raiden. Raiden looked at him.

Raiden replied, "Everything is going alright." Divination smiled at her and then left to go into this office.

"Gods! I have to think of something to distract him..." Raiden muttered. She looked back into the room where the chaos sword was. "He doesn't want that sword stolen..."

Divination returned replying, "Indeed I do not."

"Oh! There you are Milord! You startled me there!" Raiden laughed nervously. Divination grabbed her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.

Divination sighed, "I didn't mean to scare you at all." Raiden smiled at him. The two gave warm smiles to each other. "Anyways, I'm going to take a nap, take care will you?" Raiden nodded. Divination opened the door to the otherside of the castle and left through it.

Raiden asked, "Am I making a mistake? Ah, forget about it! I'm here to go against his master plan." She looked back into the room, she took a deep breath. "It's not worth the risk." She walked outside of the castle and back outside to the ruined city.

Raiden whispered, "I miss this city, sure it was boring, but it was... a home." She sat on the flooring and saw footsteps in the distance. She rushed back inside the castle and hid herself.

"If only Raiden wasn't so blinded by Divination's actions, she acts stupid due to the fact she follows him no matter what he does. Saying it's 'good.' Like, HOW!?" Shuichi said to the heroes. Raiden looked out the window.

Peach sighed, "Raiden is always blinded by some ideas. Divination is one example of it."

"Oh you said it, so stupid," Agent 8 groaned.

Beth laughed, "Well Divination is stupid. Raiden is a part of that stupidity as well. Ah, the wonders of the world."

"We gotta bring back this world!" Lysithea declared. Raiden looked back at the throne. Then back to the room where the Chaos sword was.

Raiden asked, "Stupid!? THEY THINK I'M STUPID!? I'LL SHOW THEM!" She took out her sword and slammed the door open.

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S STUPID!" Raiden shouted.

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