Chapter 80- Familiarity

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"Hello?" Azura called out. There was no response. They had spotted a small little beach house. They got closer to the beach house.

Agent 8 asked, "Is someone going to enter to see if someone lives there?" The heroes stared at each other.

"I'll go ahead and see, if they're someone that decided to live here, I can calm them down easily," Azura suggested.

Markus sighed, "Be careful." Azura nodded and walked towards the beach house. Azura opened the door and there didn't appear to be anyone in there.

"Hello?" Azura asked. She went into the house and searched around. It was small, and manmade.

"Well someone did a nice job making this house..." Azura whispered. Then she heard a rustle. She went into the bedroom and found nothing. There was a small bed in there. Azura checked the room. There wasn't that much to see.

Azura mumbled, "Who even lives here?" Then she heard another rustle. "WHO GOES THERE?!" Then she was attacked.

"I want you to tell me who you are, if you don't tell me you will be murdered..." Someone muttered. Azura looked around and then saw someone come out of a small room.

Azura asked, "Wh-Who are you?!"


"My name is Azura! I'm the Lady of the Lake! I work with the heroes! Please don't murder me!" Azura pleaded.

The person asked, "Azura?" She looked up and then took off their mask made out of seaweed.

"Wait... I thought you died," Azura muttered. The person looked at her and smiled. "What... are you doing alive?"

"I survived the tidal wave, it was hard work but... I survived. I guess everyone assumed I was dead...." The person replied.

Azura asked, "You're... Shuichi..."

"Yep... that's me," Shuichi replied with a smile. Azura smiled back at him and the two exited the beach house.

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