Chapter 69- Worked Dreams

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 "Here it is everyone! Quickly! Come read!" Kirby shouted. The heroes walked over and saw the information.

"These are all the same things we know..." Lucina muttered.

Kirby sighed, "Divination is so mysterious, it's hard to tell what he is hiding or not."

"It's okay, we at least have this information in mind," Lysithea comforted. Kirby nodded.

Tiki asked, "Don't you guys have the Chaos sword?"

"We do," Lucina replied, showing her the sword.

Tiki responded, "You have to keep that away from Divination, I have a big feeling he's going to cause many problems because of that sword."

"Like he hasn't caused enough damage..." Tessa mumbled.

Elfilin comforted, "Cheer up everyone! I believe that you will defeat Divination! If me and my team could save everyone from a system reboot, defeat Grima's team, and defeat King Liberty! You can do it too!"

"Slaying a god isn't impossible, you just have to believe," Kirby explained. The heroes nodded and they stared at each other.

Markus sighed, "Maybe that is our only option. Just to believe that we can defeat Divination. That anything is possible if we just hurt him."

"Exactly!" Kirby cheered.

Agent 8 questioned, "How successful can we be?"

"I feel like we'll be pretty successful, there's no reason for us to not be. We just gotta believe!" Peach encouraged. The others nodded and got in a group hug.

"I wish Shuichi and Hu Tao were here... they died so soon..." Lucina sighed.

Tiki replied, "I agree, their lives were taken far too early. You have my condolences."

"Hey, aren't you going to help us defeat Divination?" Zelda questioned Tiki. She was about to leave when she stopped. She stood there thinking for a second.

Tiki sighed, "I'll think about it."

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