Chapter 113- Pitiful Reason of A Princess

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"There's a lot of things to imagine in this world, first of all, we have a future in our hands. Secondly, we all hate one game," Divination sighed. Raiden stared at him.

Divination laughed, "That one game is Mario Party! We all despise that game, and you know that one princess in a castle that's from that game correct?"

"Yes sir, the princess in the castle that Mario enjoys saving. Why did you mention Mario Party however?" Raiden questioned.

Divination replied, "We all know how it goes down, you're doing your best. You're winning, the day is going great, suddenly someone just comes by and steals all your coins."

"Mhm?" Raiden nodded. Divination took a deep breath. "Why is this the case however?"

"I brought that damn princess to the castle, I captured her like I'm Bowser! Whoo how joyous!" Divination laughed. Then he placed Peach on the ground.

Raiden replied, "Ohh, look at the pretty princess. Who is also in a castle, such a shame that you were captured. But not even by Bowser himself! What a shame!" Peach stared at Raiden and Divination.

Divination sighed, "I have two goals in mind. One, to go ahead and find a way to rule the world. Second, to make sure you don't ever... EVER ruin my Mario party games again."

"WHAT DOES MARIO PARTY HAVE TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS?!" Peach questioned. Divination threw her against the wall.

Divination responded with anger, "Why I mentioned Mario Party has nothing to do with ANY of this. You don't even need to know what I've gone through." Peach stared at him with terror.

Raiden asked, "Now what are you going to do sir?" Divination took a deep breath. He grabbed his katana out, untied Peach and took another deep breath.

"I'm going to do something called 'A Pro Gamer Move...'" Divination muttered. Raiden stared at him with confusion. Then Divination threw the sword into Peach's head. "Raiden, go ahead and finish her off." Raiden nodded, grabbed out her katana and threw her sword into Peach again. The one Divination threw was in her head, this one however, was in her stomach.

Raiden sighed, "You really have a lot of potential, if only that potential wasn't ruined by Mario Party." Then she stabbed Peach again in the face.

Divination sighed, "Are you done?" Raiden shook her head and stabbed Peach several times, all in different areas. Divination moved Raiden out of the way and threw the lance into Peach's heart. "We have completed our job here. Now there's 10 members left. We just have so much left to do..."

Raiden asked, "How did you get Peach captured anyways?"

"Snuck around the heroes and captured Peach specifically. Being asleep and camping has got to be the dumbest ideas they could come up with. They didn't even have anyone on guard duty," Divination explained. Raiden nodded and she picked up Peach's dead body. She threw her into the trash and followed Divination.

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