Chapter 88- Gaze Upon An Empty White Throne

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"Hello?" Lysithea asked. The heroes opened the doors into the castle where Opal lives.

Shuichi announced, "Milord Opal!" There was no response. The heroes looked around the area. Since Shenhe was killed, there was no sign of her either.

"Great, Opal isn't here either..." Agent 8 groaned.

Kaede asked nervously, "What if Divination ended up getting to him first! Killing him!?" The heroes looked around. The castle was quiet, so quiet that their footsteps echoed. There was no sign of life.

"What are we going to do?" Peach asked.

Tiki shouted, "OPAL!" Then there were footsteps.

"I... didn't suspect to see you guys here..." A voice muttered. The heroes took out their weapons. Out from the door, it was Opal.

Tessa cheered, "Oh thank goodness you're alive Milord Opal!" The heroes nodded.

"It's good to see you all, but I'm afraid you must leave now," Opal ordered.

Tessa yelled, "We're not leaving! I don't care what Divination thinks! He can't keep controlling you! Aren't you the older one here?"

"Yes I am the older one, but... Divination truly is threatening. He's younger than me, but I can't control how he acts. He's like a spoiled brat... but worse," Opal muttered.

Lysithea said, "We'll do everything we can to get you out of this mess!"

"I'm afraid, there's just no other option. I can't tell you guys anything. Divination will kill me, and I can't stop him from doing that..." Opal sighed,

Zelda said, "But you're older! I think I know a reason why you're letting Divination do all these insane things."

"Huh?" Opal asked.

"It's because you're too nice. Divination manipulates you due to the fact you're too nice!" Agent 8 explained.

Opal sighed, "I'm afraid I can't change that about me. Just leave already..." Then he took a deep breath and went back behind the door.

"No... we have to make sure Divination doesn't manipulate his people anymore!" Beth shouted. Then they started to make a plan.

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