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"And... you guys can't even say it?" The voice questioned. The heroes all shook their heads. They still couldn't wake up from the strange lucid dream they were having. There seemed to be no escape from it.

Azura questioned, "Is there anything we can say that isn't backwards that can get us out of here?" The place stood quiet.

"Ah there is one way," The voice replied.

"What's the way?"

"Someone must be able to play a full song with their eyes closed with any instrument," The voice replied.

Markus asked, "With their eyes closed?" The heroes all were able to grab their instruments and started to play. Their eyes were already closed and they couldn't open their eyes so this was... an interesting task.

"Wow, you guys want to do this now?" The voice questioned. The heroes nodded and they started to play their music.

Azura sighed, "Are we... doing anything remotely good?"

"Nope, your guys' playing is all over the place! I need to hear this one at a time!" The voice replied. One at a time the heroes started playing their music instruments.

"Ooh that is some talent right there! I'm impressed! Well you guys can go ahead and go back to the real world in, three, two, on-"

The heroes suddenly opened their eyes to the sky. They were no longer in that strange dream anymore. They were finally awake.

Lucina asked, "What... even happened? We were all in this strange lucid dream and we couldn't even control what was going on."

"That's the wonders of life I suppose. Is it because Divination's voice has... some type of magic in it? Or is it because we just... fell asleep at the same time?" Azura questioned as she got up.

Marissa sighed, "We might just never know. Divination truly has a lot of hidden secrets about him."

"Yeah... you're right," Azura replied.

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