Chapter 112- Security

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"Hm... Milord when I'm not here or if we're not awake, do you have some type of security?" Raiden questioned. Divination looked up from his desk.

Divination explained, "Well when you're here I turn off my security cameras, however when you're not I turn them on. During the night they're on as well. I think that answers your question."

"Thank you Milord, I was just curious, I thought that the heroes could just randomly sneak in and steal the sword," Raiden replied. Divination giggled.

Divination laughed, "The heroes may end up trying that but they're too dumb to even realize that's an option. They just want to fight us continuously, so I just believe they're being nothing but imbeciles."

"I agree, those heroes really don't use their minds to the fullest, they're full of friendship and hope. Like it's their only option," Raiden agreed.

Divination sighed with a smile, "We really do share the same mind now do we? It's hilarious to see the heroes fail continuous times, but it's time we make a change. It's about time we get rid of the rest of the heroes!"

"We got 4 of them killed, now we have to kill the other 11 somehow," Raiden sighed.

Divination sighed, "If only Lucina and Markus just STAYED dead. This wouldn't be such a hard operation in the first place!"

"I know, maybe I can figure out how to kill them off for good," Raiden suggested. Divination shook his head.

Divination replied, "I don't think that's a good idea. We have to think of a plan together in order to kill those monsters."

"Like what sir?"

"This," Divination replied as he placed a piece of paper on the desk. Raiden read over it. "Capture more heroes, exchange them for the lives of the heroes, they can't say no to saving lives... I learned that with Zelda."

Raiden complimented, "That's a great idea sir! You are amazing at coming up with ideas. This shall make them die in a much sooner way." Divination smiled at her.

"I do have a mind of my own after all, not much to fight for if you're the one... manipulating them," Divination giggled. He got up, grabbed his katana and headed out the door. Raiden moments later followed him out the door.

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