Chapter 100- The Undying Troubles

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"So, I suppose you're shocked to see us?" The voice replied. Then it was Markus and Lucina.

Divination asked, "HOW ARE YOU GUYS ALIVE?! GODS! I EVEN SAW YOU GUYS BE BURNED ALIVE!" The two stared at Divination.

Ganyu cheered, "Thank goodness you're both alive!"

"We may be alive, but that doesn't mean Divination is up to no good," Lucina replied. Divination looked at the heroes and put away his lance.

"I didn't want to do this, I swore upon myself that I didn't need to do this... yet," Divination muttered. Raiden got up and walked over to Divination. Divination got ready to unleash something.

"Divination!?" Markus asked. Divination looked at the heroes and smiled. However, there was something going on. There was a strange energy source coming out from his hands. The necklace he was wearing was bursting with energy.

Divination laughed, "I WISH YOU UNDYING PAIN!!! AAH-HAHA!!" Then he transformed. The power that was in the necklace got placed inside of Divination and he became the progenitor god he is.

Lucina asked, "What did you do?"

"I used Opal and Shenhe's power. I combined their power with me and now I'm unstoppable..." Divination laughed. He bent down and took out a katana.

Markus muttered, "Looks like Divination came prepared..." Divination looked at heroes and smiled. He dashed towards the heroes. Raiden got ready to attack.

"BACK AWAY FROM THE HEROES!" Someone shouted. Then Azura appeared alongside the people who were there when Divination summoned the water creature.

Divination mumbled, "So you're here to fight against me?" Azura nodded. Then she took a deep breath.

"YOUU ARE THE OCEAN'S GRAY WAVEESS!" She sang. Divination and Raiden got ready to fight everyone else.

Divination asked, "Is singing going to be the only thing keeping this fight going? Ah... how pitiful."

Markus asked, "Where did the Katana come from?"

"Where it came from is none of your business," Divination laughed. The heroes stared at him.

"Get ready everyone..." Markus muttered. Divination got ready to attack the heroes. He dashed at them and hit Lucina.

"I NEED TO DESTROY YOU!!" Divination screamed. Then he shoved the falchion out of Lucina's hand. "Finally! AHAHAHA! YOUR LIFE IS NOW MINE!"

Lucina muttered, "I may have died but you're not going to kill me so easily! I'm not going back there!"

"OH YES YOU ARE!" Divination shouted. He dashed towards Lucina. Markus dashed towards him and the two placed their swords against each other.

"HAAAH!!" Markus shouted. Divination shoved him forward but Markus did everything he could to push Divination away from him.

"You're strong but incomparable!" Divination laughed. He pushed Markus away. Lucina took out the shield and got ready to defend the heroes.

Raiden asked, "Why are you doing this?" The heroes stared at her and at Divination. He looked a lot more suited for battle compared to his normal look. His jacket looked a lot shorter and he seemed to be wearing some type of body suit.

"I really hope you didn't come unprepared..." Raiden whispered. She took out her katana. Then the two groups rushed at each other.

Ayaka yelled, "WATCH IT!" The heroes jumped above Raiden. Who dashed towards them, trying to hit them with the katana.

"DAMN!" Raiden shouted. Divination looked at the heroes and took a deep breath. He bent down and dashed towards them. He ended up hitting Beth and she fell down.

Divination sighed, "I really hope I didn't need to do this." Then he slashed back at Beth. Her back started to bleed.

Beth grunted, "Gods... you hit hard Divination." Divination looked down at her and smiled.

"I don't mean to hurt you at all, actually, I do mean to. But that doesn't mean I don't feel somewhat bad," Divination laughed. Beth looked at him and fell down. Kazuha rushed over to heal her back.

Divination laughed, "YOU'RE ALL BUT WEAK FOOLS! AAA-HAHAHA!!" Azura then threw the lance at Divination. Divination barely dodged it and looked back at Azura. "I thought we were allies Azura, clearly it appears that you and I are no different,"

Azura sighed, "We are allies! Just not in this sense!" Divination looked at her and gave her a grim smile.

Divination sighed, "I very much care for you Azura. However, one thing I don't care about is the fact that you are acting this way. I can't believe you sided with the heroes out of all people."

Azura argued, "I don't care! You're acting insane and inhumane! This isn't the Divination I once knew!" Divination rolled his eyes and got ready to attack.

"The Divination you once knew is long gone, well that doesn't matter anymore! What does matter is the fact THAT ALL OF YOU MUST BE DESTROYED!" Divination shouted. The heroes got pushed back.

Lucina muttered, "The one who needs to be destroyed... is you." Divination glared at her. Raiden got up and walked over to Divination. Divination gave out a small giggle.

Raiden sighed, "You all don't realize the true power that is underneath your hands. Divination has nothing to do with any of you children. However..." Raiden made electric bolts come out of her hands. "You have so much to learn..."

Markus shouted, "EVERYONE GET READY TO DEFEND!" Raiden smirked at them and shot out the electric bolts. The heroes deflected each and every one of them.

"DAMN YOU ALL!!!" Divination screamed. Then he shoved the Katana onto the ground. Raiden put away her katana and watched Divination.


"Why?!" Kazuha asked as he helped Beth stand up. The heroes looked at Tiki.

Tiki replied, "Divination wants to kill us... and only us. So we have to lose him. Divination won't stop fighting!"

"You're right... everyone! RETREAT!" Lucina ordered. The heroes all rushed in the opposite direction. The other people that joined the heroes left on their own way.

Divination sighed, "That's a wise decision... I just hope it doesn't affect your choices in your future. Oh that would be absolutely terrible...."

"You did well sir," Raiden replied. Divination smirked at her and they walked back into the castle. The heroes were running in the opposite direction.

Markus sighed, "Well... we have so much to learn."

"It's going to be alright," Marissa replied, hugging Markus.

Lysithea laughed, "You guys came back! But how?! I thought you guys burning in the Lava is the last we'll see of you guys?"

"Don't worry about it, as long as we're all together, nothing will compare," Lucina replied with a smile. The heroes all smiled at one another.

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