Chapter 39- Emptiness

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"The soul continues to rest this very evening but what is there to keep?" A voice muttered. Hu Tao slowly opened her eyes to see Zhongli again. He was sitting right next to Hu Tao in the dark and empty room. There was only silence, which appeared to get louder every second.

"You're finally awake?" Zhongli asked. Hu Tao stood there staring up at him. Everything seems normal but yet she couldn't figure out what made it not seem normal. Regardless of all of that...

Hu Tao asked, "Zhongli? What brings you here?" Zhongli stood there staring at her, he gave her a slight smile and then his face disappeared. Hu Tao jumped up and walked off. Soon Zhongli had disappeared.

"Okay... what is going on?" Hu Tao asked. Then suddenly she saw the same demonic beast that chased her the previous time she was here. She was frightened.

"Whatever... you do... please don't kill me..." She muttered. The creature stood there then, from the dark emptiness was a shadow. She couldn't figure out who the shadow was but they were tall.

"I know where you are... I'm here to take your soul away..." The shadow muttered. Then they raised their hand. Hu Tao stood there frozen and then bolted off at the speed of light. The demonic beast continued to chase her.

"NO!!!! PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO DIE TODAY!!!" Hu Tao shouted. The demonic beast was quick, quicker than before. Then Hu Tao was tackled by the creature. The shadow came closer.

"I know what you are thinking, what is happening? Why is this happening? Well... I have the answer for you," The shadow sighed. Their voice sounded so dead inside, which made it even creepier. Hu Tao stood there watching the shadow. The demonic creature drooled on her.

"I know it's hard, I get it, but..." The shadow whispered. They got closer to Hu Tao, they got on their knees and bent over to see Hu Tao. Slowly smiling at her.

"I wish there was more to this world..." The shadow said. Suddenly their sharp teeth appeared, they were sharp...

"I WISH YOU ETERNAL RESTING!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!" The shadow laughed. They grabbed a knife and...

"AHHHH!!!!!" Hu Tao screamed. Suddenly Lysithea opened the door.

"Are you alright?! I heard you scream from my room!" Lysithea asked checking over Hu Tao. Hu Tao stared at herself. Wondering what she just saw...

"Forget it, Let's just go find the sword," Hu Tao muttered. Lysithea stared at her and nodded. They got up, dressed, and went out for their mission.

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