Chapter 67- Milord Divination and Milord Opal

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"MY DEAR BROTHER! PLEASE CALM DOWN!" Opal shouted while trying to keep Divination stable.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Divination boomed. Opal looked down at him and pulled on his scarf.

"Be quiet," Opal muttered. Divination finally calmed down and Opal let go of the scarf.

Divination muttered, "You nearly choked me..." Opal took a deep breath and Shenhe came walking over.

"We need to know what is wrong with you," Opal sighed. Divination looked at them but he couldn't make out words. Opal took out a flower and handed it over to Divination.

"You..." Divination muttered. He looked at it and couldn't process it correctly. He was doing everything he can with his technology glasses to research the flower but it felt... impossible.

"This flower you see, reminds you of someone you love," Opal muttered. Divination looked away from the flower and tried to process everything again. Then he looked back at Opal and Shenhe.

"I don't know what you're doing... but.." Divination took out his staff and walked over to Opal and Shenhe. Dropping the flower.

"Brother... what are you doing?!" Opal asked as he backed away. Divination looked at him and smirked.

Shenhe shouted, "MILORD OPAL! RUN!" Opal looked at Shenhe and dashed out of the building. "I won't let you hurt me or him!"

"Oh but you don't stand a chance against me," Divination laughed. He took out a sword and walked even closer to Shenhe.

"IF YOU MOVE ANY CLOSER! I WILL SEND ICE OUT!" Shenhe threatened. But that didn't stop Divination from getting any closer. Shenhe sent out Ice but there was no stopping Divination.

"No... NO!" Shenhe shouted. Divination raised his sword and murdered Shenhe.

"Learning to protect yourself requires a lot of skill..." Divination muttered. He bent down and took the power from Shenhe. She disappeared into nothingness.

"Finally... only 2 more to go..." Divination laughed. He got up and walked from the building.

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