Chapter 27- The Reminders of Him

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"Lucina, do you have a moment?" A voice asked. Lucina looked up and smiled. She got up and looked up at her father.

"Here, I want to give this to you, I don't know how much longer I'm going to be here but please take it my dear..." He sighed. Then he gave Lucina the necklace.

"Daddy?" Lucina asked. Her father put on a coat and turned around.

"I'll see you when you're ready Lucina, promise me. Your step-father will take great care of you..." He replied, smiling down at Lucina. Lucina looked at him and back at the necklace.

"B-But... Mommy gave it to you as a present, right?" Lucina asked. Her father looked at her and smiled, he was nearly faceless but he had a bright smile.

Her father replied, "Trust me Lucina... you'll need it in your future. More than I do." Lucina looked up at him, and had tears.

"DON'T LEAVE US DADDY!" Lucina cried. Her father got down and hugged her tightly. Lucina hugged him tightly, she didn't want her father to leave.

Her father said with a smile, "I'll be back home soon, one day..." Then he got up, walked towards the door, and took a deep breath. Lucina was already crying, her father looked back and smiled.

Lucina cried, "DADDY!!!" Soon, he shut the door behind him. Claude walked over and picked Lucina up.

Claude replied, "He'll be back soon, I promise..." Lucina looked over at him and hugged him.

Hu Tao asked, "Lucina?" She shook her head and found her shifting back to reality. "Are you alright?" Lucina looked down at her necklace and nodded.

Lucina sighed, "Sorry, I'm just... not used to how life has transformed now..." She took a deep breath and they continued to walk. She looked down at herself, she couldn't really comprehend what was going on.

"What do you guys think will happen once we arrive?" Kaede asked. The heroes began to think about it. Lucina continued to stare down at the ground. Tears began to form.

Ganyu whispered to Lucina, "It's okay, I know how you feel about your biological parents being dead now. I know how much you loved them..."

"It's not just that, I'm not ready to see my step-father even older than he already is! Chrom was old enough when he died..." Lucina muttered. Ganyu looked over and sighed. They continued to walk down the path.

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