Chapter 136- Lost In The Desert of Minds

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"I can't believe it. I can't believe so many of us are dead now..." Lucina mumbled.

Beth encouraged Lucina, saying, "Lucina you can't continuously be gloomy about a death. You have to shake up a bit. Otherwise, we don't have anyone to guide us."

"What do you mean, 'we don't have anyone to guide us?'" Lucina questioned.

Ganyu explained, "Well... you're our team leader now. Hu Tao has been long dead and we've always relied on you. So that's why we won't have someone taking us in the right direction."

"I don't understand why I am the team leader..." Lucina muttered.

Lysithea cheered, "It's because you have a strong goal in mind. That goal being to defeat the monster that is Divination! We won't be able to do it alone, so we need you!"

"I... I don't suppose someone else could do that job?" Lucina asked.

Marissa explained, "Yes, but there's a reason why we all chose you. We simply can't replace you with one of us. We don't know how to guide ourselves to victory. Each of us could end up doing something that can change the tides."

"I guess you have a point," Lucina said as she cleared herself from any dust.

Ganyu cheered, "Exactly. Hu Tao was able to do that, but since you kept on pushing through you're the team leader for now. We can defeat Divination together! All of us!"

"That was cheesy, but she does make a point," Beth mocked. Ganyu glared at her.

Lucina laughed, "Thanks you guys. Honestly I've never realized how hard these deaths hurt since we lost Markus. I guess that's what love does to you doesn't it?"

"I guess that's fair," Marissa agreed.

Ganyu sighed, "I thought it was bad the moment we lost a team member. Even though Shuichi didn't die until much later on. It still hurt knowing he was gone."

"Yeah, imagine a world where none of us are left. That's why we need to rely on each other in order to survive!" Susie encouraged.

Tessa cheered, "So let's do it everyone. Let's make sure our futures are written for a better tomorrow!"

"That's right! So let's not waste anymore time, everyone!" Lucina laughed. Then they dashed off to their campsite. They were going to set a plan out to defeat Divination.

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