Chapter 146- An Ice Lifeform

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"Hm... I don't recognize this at all..." Lucina whispered. They reached a peak in a skyscraper building. They were on the rooftop, but they seemed to be surrounded by ice.

Lysithea asked, "Why is there ice?" They looked around and there was no figure to be seen.

"Maybe we're just getting distracted? This doesn't seem to be a battlefield at all," Tessa thought. They all looked around. "Slippery..."

"Do any of us have ice skating shoes?" Lucina questioned. Everyone shook their heads. Then some snowflakes came down.

Lysithea asked, "Is... the rain turning into snow?" They looked at the scenery and everything was... still raining. Why were snowflakes coming down?!

"This is so surreal, there's no reason for snowflakes to keep falling down," Marissa muttered. Then a figure shot from out of nowhere. It looked like a figure they were all familiar with.

"Hello?" Lucina waved with confusion. The figure was hidden, the darkness of the clouds kept their identity a secret.

Marissa questioned, "I wonder who that is..." The figure looked at the heroes and walked closer. No voice came from them, just footsteps.

"Who... dare passes..." The voice asked. They seemed to have a mixture of a guy and a woman's voice... The heroes immediately took out their weapons.

Tiki replied, "We come here in the name of peace! We don't mean any harm! Really!" The figure stood still.

"I know a threat when I see one..." The voice whispered. Then they took out a weapon. Some type of spear.

Lucina asked, "Who are you?" The figure walked closer and revealed themselves.

"SHENHE!?" Lysithea asked.

"What if that's Divination's voice speaking through her? After all she has a man's voice tagged with her!" Tessa suggested. Then she threw her polearm.

"Don't... say Divination's name in vain," Shenhe grumbled.

Lucina mocked, "Yeah, I'll say his name in vain. She is 100% controlled by that insane man. But how?"

"It's a spirit, that's why," Tiki explained. The heroes got ready and Shenhe rushed at them.

Lysithea shouted, "GAH! This ice is so slippery! It's almost impossible to fight here!"

"We have to try our best!" Ganyu shouted. Then she and Shenhe started to fight. Lucina rushed in to aid her. They kept fighting.



"DIVINATION'S FUTURE IS THE ONLY FUTURE!!" Then they started fighting again. Lucina looked over at the two.

Lysithea asked, "Why is Shenhe attacking Ganyu?"

"They both have ice abilities, Shenhe probably believes they can't coexist with each other," Beth explained. The heroes dashed back in to help. Shenhe kept pushing them away.

"It's no use! She keeps on shoving us away!" Tessa grunted. They looked up at the sky. Some type of vortex was forming.

"HURRY!!" Lucina shouted. They kept on attacking Shenhe. She continued to shove them away with her ice powers. Ganyu continued to get attacked by Shenhe.

"WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE?!" Shenhe asked. Lucina looked at Ganyu. She was dangerously close to the edge. It would be a great fall if she were to die...

"BETH!" Lucina ordered. Beth nodded, took out the creator sword and whipped Shenhe. She was hit and Ganyu was able to move from the edge.

"Mere heroes... you think you can oppose me!?" Shenhe asked.

Lucina responded, "I know we can." Then Shenhe slammed her foot on the ground. She made icicles appear everywhere.

"GAH!" They shouted. They dodged each one that was attacking them but there were so many. Beth once again whipped Shenhe. She got hit and the icicles stopped.

"Gods, what is happening!?" Lysithea asked. Then she dodged the kick Shenhe did.

Lucina mumbled, "You madman... What do you want from us?"

"I don't want anything from you all. Actually there's one thing, FOR YOU TO JUST DIE!!" Shenhe shouted by command of Divination. She dashed at Lucina and attacked her. Lucina defended herself and pushed her back.

Lucina grunted, "I knew it, Divination is controlling her. Ugh..." Shenhe walked over to Lucina and Beth came in and they crossed weapons with each other.

Beth yelled, "Be careful!"

"I will! And thanks Beth!" Lucina replied. Lucina got up and helped Beth. They kept on defending themselves from Shenhe.

Lysithea suggested, "TRY STEERING HER TO THE EDGE! WE CAN KNOCK HER OFF AND KILL HER!" The heroes nodded. They all dashed and tried to push Shenhe away. But she slammed her foot and an ice wall appeared.

Beth asked, "Now what?" Lysithea grabbed out her spell book and used Dark Spikes T to break the wall. Shenhe got ready to attack the heroes. They all rushed over and they all started to fight.

"IT'S 7 AGAINST ONE! GIVE UP DIVINATION!" Lucina shouted. Then she shoved Shenhe near the edge.

"NO! I CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE HERE!!" Shenhe screamed. The heroes dashed at her and she dashed at the heroes.

"COME ON EVERYONE!!" Lucina exclaimed. They kept on shoving Shenhe back.

"ARGHH!!" She shouted. She dashed at them again. Now they were all in the middle. They were trying to push Shenhe back but nothing was working. Suddenly...

"PUSH!!!!" Marissa screamed. They all started to push against Shenhe. She was getting closer to the edge.

"NO! NO!!" She screamed. The heroes pushed on forward harder and harder. Then she was at the very edge.

Lucina shouted, "IT'S GAME OVER FOR YOU SHENHE!" Then they all shoved her off.

"NOOOO!!!" She screamed. The heroes watched her fall but suddenly disappeared like sparkles in the sky.

"What the?" Lucina asked. They looked over at one another and proceeded to walk forwards.

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