Chapter 61- Lucina and Divination

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Lucina asked, "Hu Tao?" Hu Tao looked up and waved.

"SHUT UP!" Divination shouted. Lucina stood there, she was shaking. Divination looked over and smiled. "Dear old me Lucina! What brings you here during these times? Trying to best me?"

Lucina replied, "No, I'm not trying to do anything. I just want to save Hu Tao."

"Save her? Why? Unless you have the sword, I won't be giving her back!" Divination shouted. Lucina stood there and took a deep breath. She slowly took out the Chaos sword. Divination was in awe.

Divination sighed, "I didn't suspect you would actually bring the sword..." Lucina nodded. Raiden, Divination and Hu Tao all watched her.

"I'm willing to give you the sword, in order to get my ally back," Lucina explained. Divination looked at the sword and then back at Hu Tao.

"Are you willing to do all of this, just for a friend?" Divination asked. Lucina nodded, she walked towards Divination and was about to give him the sword.

"Here, just let me have Hu Tao..." Lucina muttered. Divination was about to take the sword when Beth threw the creator sword at him. Giving Lucina the chance to get Hu Tao.

"ARGH!" Divination shouted. The heroes rushed in and fought with Raiden and Divination. Allowing Lucina and Hu Tao to get away safely.

"NO!!!" Divination then threw his lance, Lucina was hit by it and dropped onto the ground. "I KNEW YOU WERE ALL UP TO NO GOOD! I KNEW I SHOULD'VE DONE THIS EARLIER! IF I KNEW! I WOULD'VE DESTROYED EVERY SINGLE OF YOU GUYS! AND NOW!!!" He grabbed his lance and pushed Lucina away.

Markus shouted, "LUCINA!" He rushed to her aid, covering up her stab mark on her arm.

"Now..." Divination muttered. The heroes watched him get closer, and closer to Hu Tao.

"W-What are you doing?" Hu Tao asked. Divination rose his lance, he looked down and smiled.

"Sweet... sweet... relief..." He whispered.


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