Chapter 86- Confusion

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"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH LUCINA!?" Markus shouted. He looked over into the darkness.

"Nothing went wrong, she was just taken care of accordingly," The faceless creature replied. Markus was staring into the darkness. He didn't know how to act. He felt lost, confused, and more importantly. He was... filled with sorrow.

Markus asked, "What did she do to deserve this?" The faceless creature stared down at him.

"She did many things wrong, most importantly, what she did do wrong is... destroy the world," The creature laughed. Markus listened to their soft dead voice.

"No... she didn't mean any harm!" Markus cried. The creature continued to drag him. Markus' tears turned dry immediately. They were so cold, he was cold. He couldn't keep his eyes open.

"Rest now, you have been slain by the gods, now you can rest easy knowing you have fulfilled your duty," The creature sighed. Markus slowly closed his eyes. The soft footsteps of the creature echoed through the darkness.

"Milord Divination... I have failed you..." The creature muttered. Markus slowly opened his eyes and looked at the creature. It no longer was faceless. It had eyes, mouth, and a nose. The creature sat onto the ground.

"Why was I so stupid to tell Hu Tao that?! Gods..." The creature asked themselves. Except, it was no longer a creature. It was Zhongli. The Geo Archon himself...

Markus asked, "Zhongli?" Zhongli looked over at Markus. He had tears in his eyes.

Zhongli sighed, "I have failed as a person. I was supposed to keep Divination's secret... a secret. But I failed at that. I don't know how I did that but..." He fell onto the ground.

"ZHONGLI!" Markus shouted. He got up and tried to bring him up. But Zhongli was being engulfed by the darkness.

Zhongli muttered, "I'm sorry Markus... I couldn't save you from this endless nightmare." Then the two were engulfed by the darkness underneath them.

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