Chapter 90- Milord Divination

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"I'm sorry... but you're just another obstacle in my path of dominance," Divination sighed. He looked at Opal. Who was slowly dying in his arms.

"I... thought... you..." Opal whispered. Divination looked at him. His blood dripped onto the ground. Divination held tight on Opal.

Divination muttered, "I wish I didn't have to kill you. But you're just an obstacle. I can't... move forward with you in the way..." Opal slowly looked up at Divination. Opal looked into Divination's technology goggles and smiled.

Opal laughed softly, "I... forgive you... dear brother..." Then he leaned back onto Divination. Divination stared at him. He was shaking, but his shaking was uncontrollable.

"Brother..." He gasped. Then the two dropped onto the ground. Divination was starting to regret what he did. He held tightly on Opal. "I-I... I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!"

"You'll one day learn... my dear brother..." Opal said with a smile. Divination's tears streamed down and soon they came in contact with Opal's face. Slowly falling on his face.

Divination shouted, "I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON! I DON'T DESERVE YOU!" Opal gave him one last smile.

Opal whispered, "I'm just glad... you care for me... I'll let you... do as you must... in peace..." Divination grabbed on Opal.

"NO! We have to do this together! I decided we HAVE TO!" Divination yelled. But it was too late. Opal was dead. Dead... and Divination had killed him. Divination stared down at his hands. His gloves were covered with the blood of Opal... his own brother.

Divination whispered, "Is... this who I am? Why... am I just realizing the type of person I am? Is... this just me? Realizing the mistakes I can never undo?" Divination looked down at Opal. He was shaking. He slowly placed his head on the ground.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" He screamed. His voice was so loud it shook the castle. He sounded like he was in so much pain. Was he faking it or was it for real? Slowly the door was opening... Divination turned around immediately and saw the heroes staring at him.

Divination laughed nervously, "The scene isn't what happened! T-Trust me!" The heroes stood there shaking.

Shuichi asked, "What did you do with Opal?"

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Divination screamed. He looked over at Opal and he was continuing to be filled with worry. He no longer was able to recognize who he was. He was so lost.

Lysithea muttered, "So much for being the protector god of our world. You've done so much for what reason? What did they do to deserve this?"

"I..." Divination whispered. He looked back at his hands. Then back at Opal's corpse. He grabbed his lance, which was also dripping blood.

Peach said, "You said you didn't do anything. But look at you, you're filled with evidence."

"I didn't want to do this to him..." Divination whispered. The heroes took out their weapons. Getting ready to fight Divination. Divination didn't want to fight. Instead he bolted out of the door.

Divination sighed, "I'll come for you next time. But you're... lucky I didn't do anything." Then he shut the door behind him.

"What's the men division going to do without their protector?" Ganyu asked. The heroes stared at each other. They didn't know what to do...

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