Chapter 36- The Sparkle of Hope

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"RAIDEN!!!" Someone shouted. Raiden slowly opened her eyes and someone dove into the water. They grabbed her hand and swam to the surface. They both got out and Raiden was almost out of air.

"RAIDEN!" The person said worriedly, shaking her. Raiden slowly cleared her eyes and Divination was staring at her. Both were soaking wet but Divination was worried. He had taken off his technology glasses.

"Oh... I..." Raiden muttered. Divination immediately hugged her, tears were coming down his eyes. "Your eyes... I've never seen how-"

"Shh... it's okay, I know my eyes look different when you see their true colors but I'm just glad you're okay," Divination sighed. Raiden looked at him and smiled.

"I'm just glad to be alive," Raiden laughed. Divination laughed with her. "I'm sorry for acting so foolish."

"No, don't worry about it Raiden, you're okay," Divination sighed. He had tears in his eyes. "I was afraid to lose what I care for the most..."

Raiden replied, "Tsumugi! She manipulated me, she sent me into that river to get the sword. But no, I couldn't get the sword and instead almost drowned."

"It's okay... I swear I'm not mad or anything," Divination sighed. He hugged Raiden tightly and cried. Raiden watched Divination cry, she has never seen Divination cry so this was rather surprising.

"Divination, why are you crying? I'm alive right?" Raiden replied.

Divination sighed, "That doesn't mean I can't mourn, I was terrified of losing you. That's my number one worst fear, you're so important to me, I couldn't bear the thought of losing you."

"I know... I'm sorry," Raiden muttered. Divination shook his head and hugged her. They both hugged.

Divination sighed, "Let's get going dear child, I'm sure we're going to find the sword soon."

"How soon though?"


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