Chapter 147- A God Lifeform

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"So much fog is here, I wonder why," Marissa questioned. They looked around, they were at the rooftop of another skyscraper. Then they saw a figure.

"Who are you?" Lucina asked as she placed her hand on the sword. The figure wasn't there, then they slowly appeared.

"Milord... Opal?" Tiki asked. Opal didn't reply, he slowly took out his weapon.

Beth groaned, "This has to be another one of Divination's spirit puppets. We gotta be careful." Opal looked at the heroes.

"By the command of our world, Divination was right to make this our new future..." Opal muttered. He seemed to have a voice mixed between his and Divination.

Lucina asked, "Opal?" Opal then dashed at the heroes. The storm equally got worse as he attacked the heroes.

"OPAL!!" Lucina shouted. Opal was shoving his sword into Lucina's weapon. Then Lysithea used Nosferatu on Opal.

Beth asked, "Milord Opal... I can't believe Divination has taken control over you."

"Divination hasn't done anything," Opal grunted. Then he sent a wind blade at the heroes. They felt themselves being pushed.

Tessa grunted, "With this fog everywhere. Opal can attack us from anywhere!" Then the heroes got ready for any ambush to come after them.

"COME OUT!!" Opal shouted as he attacked Lysithea.

Ganyu shouted, "LYSITHEA!!!" Then she rushed over to grab her before she fell off the ledge. Tiki rushed in and helped them get up.

Lysithea grunted, "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to cause that much trouble!" The heroes looked over and Lucina and Opal were fighting.

"ARGH!!" Lucina grunted. Opal was so much stronger than she was. The heroes rushed in to aid Lucina.


"That's not what heroes do!" Lysithea shouted before she used another spell on Opal. Beth attacked him from behind. Tiki used her dragonstone to transform. She attacked Opal from above.

Lucina sighed, "Opal... I know I will save you from Divination's insane self. I just pray that your body is left unharmed..."

"WHY DO YOU CARE?!" Opal asked. Then he dashed at Lucina. Lucina blocked his attack. Opal then jumped into the air and swung at Lucina.

"LUCINA!!" Beth shouted. Then she took out her creator sword, she jumped into the air and whipped Opal. Swinging him to the opposite direction.

"DAMN YOU ALL!!!" Opal shouted. Then he dashed at the heroes. Lucina grabbed the shield and blocked Opal's attack.

Lucina grunted, "LEAVE US ALONE DIVINATION!! LEAVE THE BODIES OF THE DEAD ALONE!!" Opal then fell backward.

"It's only there to help me achieve my ultimate goal... YOU SEE THAT VORTEX UP THERE?!" Opal shouted. The heroes looked over and saw it opening more and more. The wind speed picked up and the thunder was getting worse. "I'm so close... and this time I won't have you all defeat me..."

Lucina shouted, "WE WILL DEFEAT YOU!" They fought against Opal. Then he reached the edge.

"No, I would rather not die here. In fact I rather have you guys die instead! I can't believe how close I was to killing one of you..." Opal groaned. The heroes got ready, Opal stood there. Then made wind speeds pick up by a lot.

"GAH!!" They shouted. They held onto different things to prevent them from blowing off the rooftop.

"YOU CAN'T DEFEAT ME!!" Opal shouted. Lucina looked back up at the sky. She didn't know what was going to happen if the vortex finished. She looked over at Opal.


"No you won't," Lucina mumbled. Then she threw her falchion at Opal. Opal fell backward. Suddenly the wind speed turned around.

"GAHHH!!!" They shouted once more. Opal was trying to withstand himself from falling off by grabbing onto a pole.

Beth suggested, "Maybe we can throw objects at him to throw him overboard?" Lucina looked over and nodded. Then the heroes started to throw objects at Opal.

"GAH! NO!!" Opal shouted. He kept getting hit but he tightened his grip.

Beth ordered, "KEEP THROWING THINGS!! HE WILL EVENTUALLY FALL!!" The heroes continued to do that. Opal kept getting hit, trying to shove the items away.

"No... gods," Opal grunted. He kept on holding on to the pole. The heroes had to hold on too. But they seemed to be screwing up Opal's grip.

Opal laughed, "YOU THINK YOU CAN DEFEAT ME?!" The heroes looked at him.

Beth said, "I'm going to do it." She slowly moved herself and then launched herself at Opal.

Lucina screamed, "BETH!?" Then she grabbed onto another pole. She was close to Opal. She threw a few more objects at Opal.

"What... are you doing?" Opal asked. Then Beth threw herself at Opal. Opal was launched overboard.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Opal screamed. The fog cleared up and he disappeared once more into sparkles.

Lucina asked, "Why are they disappearing like sparkles?"

"Who knows, but we must hurry!" Tiki shouted. The heroes nodded and dashed off.

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