Chapter 32- The Shining Sword

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"Are you pissed off, Divination?" Raiden asked as he gave Divination his coffee. Divination didn't bother to respond, he stood there quietly.

Divination replied, "Not now, I sometimes get pissed off by those heroes but not at the moment." Raiden looked down and saw the sword in the glass container.

"So... what's this sword?" Raiden asked, staring at the sword. Divination walked over and smiled.

Divination replied, "This sword... was wielded by King Liberty. He used this sword as a barrier to protect intruders from the fantasy kingdom. Strangely he didn't use it to protect the heroes away from the kingdom 10 years ago..."

"Where is King Liberty nowadays?" Raiden asked. Divination stood there. He was quiet and just standing there. "Did I trigger something?"

"No, you didn't do anything, I just had to remember what happened to him. I was told what happened but..." Divination stood there. "It just felt unjustified. It's the one time I want to say, it was wrong for what the heroes did back then..."

Raiden said shocked, "That's surprising of you to say something like that. I'm genuinely surprised."

"Ah, but he was banished from Dawn, he's not dead or anything, just simply banished into the next dimension..." Divination explained.

Raiden asked, "How come his life was taken away like that? Why did the heroes do it?"

"Perhaps it was because they didn't bother to see the other side of King Liberty, he was a good person but his intentions made it seem like he was out to do worse, at least that was what Opal told me," Divination sighed. Raiden looked at the ground and looked back at the Divination.

Raiden asked, "Perhaps we can work together to bring him out of there, I'm sure the rulers of the fantasy kingdom miss him dearly."

"You have a point there Raiden, but the process is long and extremely tedious. I'm afraid we would need to use a lot of things in order to bring him back..." Divination sighed.

Raiden encouraged, "We should at least try! I can help you with this Divination and so can Morax! So tell me, what do we need to do?"

"Alright Raiden, since you're being pushy, here's a list of what you need to do. Most importantly... GET THAT SWORD," Divination ordered.

Raiden asked, "But the sword isn't on this list?"

"Oh I still want the sword, I don't want the heroes to get their hands on it," Divination muttered. "It could cause more harm than good..." Raiden nodded and left the scene.

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