Chapter 64- Kirby and His Great Honor

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"Hello?" Susie asked as they entered a rather quiet hall. It appeared to be a library of sorts. So they went in to check the book section.

"Greetings!" Someone shouted. Lucina dropped the books she was holding and looked over.

"Kirby?" Lucina questioned. Kirby waved, alongside him was Elfilin.

Kirby greeted, "Greetings Princess Lucina! Fancy meeting you here on this great day!"

"I... I thought you died," She muttered.

Kirby laughed, "Nah, me, Elfilin, and Zhongli survived because we're just so old, we can't die!"

Markus asked, "Lucina? I heard something fall from here, is everything okay?" Lucina nodded and then turned towards Kirby and Elfilin.

Elfilin asked, "Oh we're so sorry for making you startled! We just wanted to say hello! It's not often someone decides to visit our little library."

"Ah I see, well I should ask you something very important," Lucina sighed as she began asking.

Kirby cheered, "Sure thing! Whatever do you need?"

"I never ended up figuring out if Tsumugi is dead or not. Is it okay if you tell me if she is?" Lucina questioned. Kirby nodded, he left with Elfilin to check some data.

Markus whispered, "Kirby is alive?!"


"How did he come out of here alive?!" The two stood there quietly. Soon Kirby came back with a piece of paper in his hand.

"Here you go Lady Lucina! All set and ready for ya!" Kirby waved. Lucina grabbed the sheet of paper and looked at the information.

"She's alive?!" Lucina asked. Kirby nodded.

Markus muttered, "I assumed she was due to the fact I believe Zhongli was a shapeshifter! Which Tsumugi technically is, but she cosplays as anyone and can fool all of us!"

"Well, it seems like Tsumugi Shirogane has a lot of game on her face. But she is confirmed to not be dead right now," Kirby explained. Lucina nodded.

"Um... Lucina," Ganyu whispered. Lucina walked over to Ganyu and they looked outside.

Kirby asked, "WHAT IS GOING ON OUTSIDE?!" The heroes got their weapons and rushed outside.

"Should we help?" Elfilin asked. Kirby nodded and chased after them.

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