Chapter 93- A Bold Vision of New World?

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"I want to be me again... back to me... I wish I wasn't like this..." A voice whispered. Divination looked around and it was his past self talking with his "new self."

Divination asked, "What the hell do you want? This is you! The REAL YOU!"

"It's not me... you're not me... you're just a faint vision of who you want me to be," The other Divination whispered. Divination stared at him.

"You're just a faint memory, nothing to me," Divination laughed. He got up, brushed himself and headed in the opposite direction.

The other Divination shouted, "YOU'RE MAKING SO MANY MISTAKES! YOU ARE A SIN TO MANKIND!" Divination looked back and smiled.

"I was always a sin to mankind. Erica shouldn't have chosen me to be the god to protect the heroes," Divination laughed. Then he disappeared into the darkness.

Raiden asked, "Milord? What are you going to do now?"

"Oh I know exactly what I'm going to do!" Divination laughed. He grabbed a knife and looked in the mirror. "I'll show them that I'm the true king here! I'm the ruler! I AM THEIR GOD!!" He looked back at the knife and made a cut on his face.

Raiden asked, "Divination... is this a good idea?"

"When are things not a good idea?! Are you saying my ideas are bad?!" Divination asked. Raiden replied, shaking her head no. Divination took a deep breath and put the knife down.

"THIS IS OUR NEW WORLD! A NEW DESTINY! WE ARE HERE TO CREATE A FUTURE!! A. FUTUREEE!!! AAAAA-HHAHAHA!!!" Divination laughed. Raiden backed away from Divination slightly. Divination turned around and faced Raiden.

Divination sighed, "Now... that's out of the way... what do you desire Raiden?" Raiden looked him in the eyes.

"Only one single thing Milord," Raiden replied as she got closer to Divination. Divination stared at her. There was... suddenly... a very soft feeling in the air.

"Raiden?" Divination asked. Raiden took a deep breath, got even closer to Divination... and kissed him on the lips.

Raiden replied, "I just... want you." Divination was blushing at her. He didn't know how to react. The room grew quiet.

"I..." Divination began. Raiden looked at Divination and Divination gave her a light-hearted smile.

"I don't understand how I am able to love you..." Raiden replied.

Divination laughed, "It's alright. As long as we're both gods... everything is alright." Then they kissed again. "I love you too Raiden..."

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