Chapter 104- Lies and Desperation

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"SHUICHI!!!" Lucina screamed. Divination hit him with the Katana. Shuichi fell backwards and got hit. Divination stared at him. Kazuha managed to get his hand released and got out of the rope.

Divination shouted, "GET BACK TO WHERE YOU ARE!" Kazuha stared at Divination and grabbed his sword. Divination dashed at him and slashed him. "You were supposed to die long ago..."

"YOU NEED TO STOP!" Lysithea screamed. Kazuha fell onto the ground. He tried to keep himself from bleeding but his blood loss was too much.

"No..." Kaede whispered. Shuichi got up and got ready to fight Divination.

"I'm not going to let these people suffer any longer!" Shuichi shouted. Divination stared at him and Shuichi dashed at him.

Divination sighed, "I killed Kazuha, I'm going to make sure you stay dead." Shuichi dashed at Divination. Divination slashed him again. "You're so stupid, it amazes me!" Shuichi looked at him and then fell onto the ground.

"NO!" Kaede shouted. Divination got ready to hit the next hero that was going to dash at him.

Kazuha grunted, "You... haven't... coughs... killed me yet!" Divination stared at him. Kazuha got up and got ready to hit Divination.

Ayato shouted, "KAZUHA! YOU ARE TOO WEAK TO FIGHT THIS MADMAN!" Kazuha looked at Ayato and then at Divination. Divination turned around and faced him.

"You're so pathetic it amazes me!" Kazuha rushed at Divination and Divination slashed him one last time. Kazuha fell onto the ground right in front of the heroes.

"I'm... sorry," He whispered. Then he died right there on the spot.

Shuichi groaned, "You are strong, but you're not going to beat me!" Divination rolled his eyes. He untied Ayato and stabbed him in the heart. Instantly killing him. Shuichi backed away from Divination but he kept on tripping.

Ayaka shouted, "LEAVE US ALONE!" Raiden untied Ayaka and killed her.

Raiden sighed, "If you speak another word, I won't hesitate to kill you."

"If you're going to kill Shuichi, kill me as well," Kaede demanded. Raiden looked at her. Divination got closer and closer to Shuichi. Raiden grabbed Kaede and dragged her.

"KAEDE NO!" Lucina shouted. Kaede looked at the heroes and smiled back at them. Lucina wanted to chase after Kaede but Markus and Lysithea held her still.

Susie asked, "Why are you killing them?! WHY ARE YOU KILLING ALL OF US?!" Divination didn't respond. He turned around and faced the heroes.

Divination sighed, "This is just all simple steps to reach success." Then he pinned Shuichi onto the wall. Shuichi was trembling, shaking, he didn't have the power to fight Divination. "I'm going to make sure you stay dead this time..."

Shuichi asked, "What if you fail at that? It appears you're good at that!" Divination stared at him and gave him a smirk.

"Oh I may be good at that, but I'm not going to hesitate this time," Divination laughed. Azura tried to break free from her ties but she couldn't. "Sorry about this." Divination grabbed out his katana and-

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