Who Are You

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Shawn was sleeping in a chair on the bus when he felt something was off and it felt cold as ice, "hey Austin you feel that?" He asked and Austin groggily said "what?" Again he said "the air it's chilly" Austin said "don't know what you're talkin about probably the AC".

Nearby Mars,Bridge of the Super Star Destroyer Executor
"My lord we have completed the scan of the planet" Piet said and Vader replied "and what have you found admiral?" Piet replied "it's a relatively small planet with humans as the predominant species and a population of seven billion" Vader was intrigued and said "do they possess any advanced technology?"

Piet replied "yes the readings were off the charts and there is a worldwide communication system like the Holonet that we used and have identified the person of interest" Vader said "and who is it?" Piet replied "it's a boy a boy that goes by the name Shawn Mendes" Vader was intrigued by this name and said "and where is this boy?" Piet replied "in a land mass the local population has named California strange names on this world" Vader replied "and what is he doing in this region ?" Piet replied "at some sort of musical presentation in the southern region of the region" Vader said "send Jade she will track him down".

Mara Jade went down to the hanger and got in her special stealth ship and flew out of the hanger towards the planet, as she entered the atmosphere she focused on Shawn's energy and landed about a mile away in a forest. She stepped out into this strange planet and from her training knew she'd need a disguise, she broke into a department store and stole clothes for her guise, her proxy droid scanned several pictures and took on the form of a girl similar to Mara. She then made up a fake name Mary Jane

August 5,2014

Using her datapad hacked into the ticket site for the show and with her droid entered the stadium and she could sense Shawn was near and she got ever closer. Shawn opened for Austin by singing one his own songs he wrote "we don't have to ordinary make your best mistakes" he sang and when it was over the girls sang as well. This is what he wanted to do all day everyday write music perform it not for the sake of attention or profit but for entertainment

Shawn went off stage and one of his staff said "you killed it good job" he walked off to the side and watched as Austin started. Meanwhile Mara had watched him and sensed the power emanating from him and whispered to her droid "the brown eyed one he's the one" the droid replied "what do we do?" Mara replied "follow me" and as she had noticed as some of the others had done held the hand of her droid and made her way to the lobby and exited it. She then took out her commicater and contacted Vader. "Lord Vader I've tracked down the boy shall I begin" Vader replied "yes use any means to get closer but only non lethal use mind tricks" and then it cut off.

After the show was over Shawn went back and sat down strumming some strings on his guitar. Mara and her droid made her way down the hall when a security guard stopped them "hey you two!" Mara almost force choked him but remained patient and put on her best smile and said "yes sir?" The guard replied "you're not allowed back here" Mara then waved her hand and performed a mind trick "you will take me to Shawn" the guard monotony replied "I will take you to Shawn" and walked another direction with Jade and her droid following.

Shawn was strumming strings when he felt that cold chill again and tried to ignore it but it was so heavy it made him shiver. From down the hall he heard "yo I really like bananas and i mc hammer hammer hammer" and laughed at Camilla's gangster rap voice and then heard more arguing and footsteps approaching and it was Austin "hey Shawn I just got back from the girls room crazy stuff is going on" Shawn set his guitar down and said "watch out the floors lava dude you just lost" and Austin looked around confused.
Then Mara opened the door and they turned around and she said "I'm sorry wrong room" Shawn saw her reddish brown hair and grayish blue  eyes and thought she was stunningly beautiful "oh hi there don't be shy come in" Mara opened the door and Austin said "what's your name?" Mara replied " Mary this is my friend Christie". Austin ushered them in and said "Mary Shawn says if he moves that bottle he'll tweet something crazy" Shawn was startled for a second but then said "who said I'm psychic?" Mara laughed and said "fine then move it Shawn".

Shawn put his hands to his forehead and concentrated on the bottle, the bottle then moved and fell off the table, Mara with her telekinetic ability told Palpatine, my lord it's him, Palpatine replied, the Inquistors will cut the power guide him towards them and trap him, Mara said "wow Shawn how'd you do that" Austin had a frozen expression of shock and said "I'm uh gonna go now" and left. Shawn was scared for a barrage of questions but Mary(Mara) said "that's cool" trying to use the slang she'd heard and Shawn said "well ok even though I just met you here's a little secret I've been able to do it since last year".

Then the power went out and Mara grabbed Shawn's hand which made him jump a little and she said "how are we gonna get out" Shawn took his phone out and turned the light on and said "come on" and led her to the way Austin had went. Then the droid had snuck out and shut the door to the hall loudly and Mara turned and said "Christie Christie that's not funny!" She tugged on Shawn's hand sighed  and said "can we get her she gets panicked easily and I really need to get her home" Shawn shrugged and said "alright" and pointed the light towards the door and pushed it open.

They stepped out into the empty hallway and Mara called out "Christie!" And it echoed in the hallway, the droid was running the other way and Mara took off after her as part of the trap. Shawn followed her and said "uh Mary watch where you're going" and shined the light around looking for her. He turned a corner and felt the chill in the air and saw something red light. Then a hand landed on his shoulder and it was Austin who said "the power went out and wh- what's that" and pointed at the red light that now hovered in the air and made a strange mechanical sound.

"Is that a drone?" The thing zipped back and a figure approached from further back. "My pet told me you were here I've been searching for you for some time" a feminine voice with a strange garble sound came from the figure who's face was shrouded by a mask of some sort "are you a worker?"  The figure raised her right hand and was holding something that looked like half shaped circle and said "not even close" and a bright red blade of some sort extended out with a weird igniting sound sending a ice cold chill down Shawn's spine and he gasped.

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